Chapter 1980

Duanmuyi said again: "It's just Zhao'er, if you go alone, your parents won't be at ease. Let your mother go with you, can you?"

Di Zhao didn't have much appetite to eat, so he put down his chopsticks and said, "Mother, your body hasn't recuperated yet. These days, you've been busy making medicine for the people of the seven major tribes. It is already seriously worn out, and I can no longer be distracted."

"Then I will accompany you." Di Kongxuan said.

Di Zhao quickly said: "I heard from Uncle Jiang that the puppets outside are all members of the Dijiang clan, and my father is the orthodox blood of the Dijiang clan. He can dissolve the forbidden spell on the puppets and wake them up. How do you do this at such an important juncture? Can I leave?"

Seeing his father and mother fell silent, Di Zhao thoughtfully brought food for them, and then said: "Father, mother, don't worry, I won't meddle in this big war blindly, the ability to protect myself I still have it."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

The three of them looked up, and Yue Rushuang was lazily leaning against the door, and said, "Godson, let me go with you."

Yue Rushuang's cultivation base is strong, and being by Di Zhao's side is enough to make people feel at ease.

Now that the situation in Xuanye Continent has eased, with Jiang Xin in charge, it is not impossible for Yue Rushuang to leave.

Neither Di Kongxuan nor Duanmuyi had any objections, so Di Zhao naturally couldn't find a reason to refuse.

Since he came to Xuanye Continent, he was picked up by Yue Rushuang and took care of him all the way.Yue Rushuang was just a well-known "dandy" at that time, but his doting on Di Zhao was not fake.

Di Zhao also trusted him, and it could be said that in his heart, Yue Rushuang's status was almost the same as that of Di Kongxuan.

But even with Yue Rushuang accompanying her, Duanmuyi was not at ease. She took a part of her spiritual consciousness and put it in the jade tablet, so that if Di Zhao was in danger, she could save his life.

Dikongxuan also taught him all the complete formulas of Dijiang Jue.

Time flies is a year.

In one year, the seven major tribes and the remnants of Ditian launched a long tug-of-war. Ditian was like a cunning loach, slipping away every time at the last minute.

But those people under Ditian's hands were gradually wiped out.

Now the seven major tribes have taken back their tribal territory one after another, but the two giants of the original seven major tribes - the Dijiang tribe and the Mo tribe have become extremely weak.

The Mo tribe had lost more than half of their combat power due to their own death, and then they were taken over by Ditian, and they were massacred. Now the entire Mo tribe may not have 1000 people in total.

Mo Yeyu, as the only remaining orthodox bloodline of the Mo clan, succeeded the patriarch of the Mo clan.

But the Dijiang clan was even more miserable. Although many clansmen were awakened by Di Kongxuan's blood, they were still seriously injured. Hundreds of clansmen were basically old, weak, sick and disabled. live again.

But everyone smelled a little unusual from it-the mainland forces are about to reshuffle the cards.

Ditian hid in Xuanye College.

Jiang Sui quickly commanded the people of the seven major tribes to lay a siege to Xuanye College, and he brought a group of elite forces into Xuanye College.

The spirit hall has been destroyed, and the college is full of ruins.

The heads of the vice-principals and elders hanging at the door have disappeared, and it is not known whether they were restrained by some caring person or buried in yellow sand.

Di Tian was sitting on the spectating seats of the Martial Arts Arena, without a single confidant around him.

(End of this chapter)

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