Chapter 1981

The former high-spirited head of the clan is now like a bereaved dog.

But when he raised his head, his eyes were still full of burning ambition.

"God Gengfu." He said hoarsely, "I challenge you."

Jiang Su looked at him with indifferent eyes, and when he raised his hand, a restraint appeared on the martial arts arena.

He entered lightly and raised his head: "Come and fight."

Many years later, Xuanye Continent still spread this challenge by word of mouth.

Obviously there are not many twists and turns, even the ending is doomed from the beginning.But what makes everyone feel excited is not the content of this battle, but the challenge itself.

All the victories of evil and righteousness were perfectly interpreted in this battle, so that after this battle, the prestige of the Baicao Clan reached its peak.

But that's all for later, and at this moment, Jiang Sui had already captured Di Tian, ​​who had no power to resist, and walked out of the martial arts arena.

The clothes on his body were not even wrinkled, and his hair was not messed up. He raised his hand and threw him at Di Mingkun's feet.

"The ones from your tribe will be handled by you."

Everyone looked at Di Mingkun.

For more than a year, Di Mingkun may not have spoken more than a hundred words. He has always said less and done more, as if to vent something.

The rebellion of the Dijiang clan, his father's ambition, and the death of his brother all weighed on his heart like a boulder, making him unable to breathe.

But today, his father was tied up and sent to his feet.

Di Mingkun looked down and saw Ditian's indifferent eyes.

He asked hoarsely, "Do you regret it?"

Di Tian sneered back.

Di Mingkun's heart was frozen.

He straightened up, as if he was announcing the world, and he seemed to be comforting his elder brother's spirit in heaven, or, he was just telling himself:
"Ditian betrayed the clan, he was sentenced to death and killed."

Clean and tidy, without insulting him or torturing him.

Killed with one knife, the world was silent.


After all the dust has settled, everything is waiting to be done after the war, and everyone is buried in rebuilding their homes.

Hu Yuexi was not in a hurry to go back to the Yaozu, she just asked the top ten demon commanders under her tent to go back to rectify first, but she stayed with Duanmuyi to take care of her body.

"I never thought I would have a little niece." Hu Yuexi lay beside Duanmuyi, looking at her belly enviously.

It may be God's will. The last time Duanmuyi found out that she was pregnant was during the great battle in the Cangyang Continent.And this time, they found out before they rushed to Xuanye Academy.

Di Kongxuan said nothing to let Duanmuyi go there, so Duanmuyi could only stay in the Baicao clan and wait for them to come back.

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "How do you know she's a little niece?"

"Isn't this a good thing to look forward to?" Hu Yuexi said, "Dudu is already so obedient, and he can't be as obedient as another son. It would be better to have a girl and have both children."

Hearing her mention of Di Zhao, Duanmuyi sighed worriedly again.

I don't know how Zhao'er is doing now...


Duanmu thought he was hallucinating, turned his head and saw that the boy had already run over, he did not throw himself into her arms like before, but stood in front of her, saluting respectfully.

"Mom, I'm back."

Behind him, Yue Rushuang's lazy figure appeared, and she said with a smile: "I did not disgrace my mission, and brought your young master back safely."

Di Zhao actually found all the medicinal materials as marked on Jiang Xin's map.

(End of this chapter)

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