Chapter 1982

He took good care of all the medicinal materials, and Yu Qiongshan refused to refine the medicine for him, so he waited for Jiang Xin to come back to help him refine the medicine.

Although Yu Qiongshan was a sage pharmacist, Di Zhao believed in Jiang Sui more when it came to the method of refining medicine and the rate of alchemy.

He has been guarding the gate of Jiang Sui's yard for the past few days until Jiang Sui came back.

Seeing him, Jiang Su was also taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked him to come in calmly.

The two stayed in seclusion for ten days. Di Zhao was afraid of failure in refining the medicine, so he prepared two copies of each kind of medicine. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and he actually refined it.

Jiang Su watched him happily go back to his yard, the gentle smile on his face finally couldn't be maintained.

He sighed and said in a low voice, "Idiot."

Di Zhao melted the pill in water with his own hands, put it in his mouth first, and then fed it gently.

"Lan Ge, wake up quickly."

The boy wiped away the water from the corner of the sleeping girl's mouth, his eyes full of anticipation and tenderness.

He kept watch for a day and a night, but Mo Lange showed no sign of waking up.

Di Zhao's heart sank again.

"how so……"

Jiang Yi looked at him through the window, couldn't bear it, but said cruelly: "The success rate of Buling Pill is only [-]%, and that of Jiuye Pill is even less, only [-]%. She didn't wake up, which means that the elixir didn't take effect."

Di Zhao turned to look at him, the young man's eyes were red and he was at a loss, as if he couldn't understand what he was saying.

After a while, he turned around, tucked the corner of the quilt for the girl, closed the door and walked out.

"Uncle Jiang." He said, "You lied to me, right?"

Jiang suspected a lump in his throat and did not speak.

Di Zhao lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I understand..."

"Di Zhao—" Jiang Yi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, Uncle Jiang."

Di Zhao looked up at the high and vast sky, and said with a smile, "No matter how long she sleeps, I will wait for her."


Three months later, the Baicao clan will meet in the living room.

Jiang Shao, who is already the patriarch of the Shengling clan, handed over a seal, looked at Duanmuyi and said: "Although I am very reluctant, but the family's righteousness is the most important thing, I hope you can return to the Shengling clan and serve as the head of the elders. The Shengling Clan is suffering serious losses, and I need your help."

Duanmuyi looked down at the seal in front of her eyes, thinking silently.

Di Mingkun has already come to invite Di Kongxuan to return to the Dijiang Clan to sit in town. Dikongxuan originally planned to take her back with Di Zhao and Mo Lange.

However, if they want to restore the order of Xuan Ye Continent, they are destined to not be able to settle down in one corner.

Before Hu Yuexi returned to the Monster Race, she also said that she would join hands to build a space channel in the unknown sea outside the territory, so that the Monster Race and the Human Race could coexist peacefully.

And those seniors from the Abyss of Undead...

Thinking of this, Duanmuyi smiled slightly.

"Okay, I promise you."

After sending Young Master Jiang away, Di Kongxuan walked over from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Now six months pregnant, the belly is already obvious.

"This baby is very well-behaved. If she doesn't torture mother, she must be a worry-free girl." Di Kongxuan said in a low voice.

Duanmuyi said angrily: "Why, the worry-free son didn't catch up?"

Di Kongxuan sighed: "I caught up, but he wants to take his little green plum to go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers. As a father, I can't beat the mandarin ducks."

Last night God Zhao took the sleeping Mo Lange into the carriage and slipped away without anyone notifying.

When Duanmuyi went to ask him to have breakfast early this morning, he realized that he was missing, so he left a letter and eloped in a grandiose manner.

Fearing that Duanmuyi would be angry, Di Kongxuan offered to chase his son back, but the result was obvious...

Duanmuyi sighed helplessly: "Forget it, the child is old enough to have his own ideas."

Fortunately, the world is finally at peace now, and no one in the seven major tribes knows Di Zhao, the favorite of the group, and there is no one who is not good at provoking him.

These elders can be regarded as leaving a peaceful and happy world, which is enough for the younger generations to be free and unrestrained in this land.

She lowered her eyes and stroked her stomach tenderly.

(End of this chapter)

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