Chapter 1983

Hu Yuexi followed Yuandong Governor Shen's convoy and stopped at the border between the two countries.

The Ross Empire served Yuan Dong like a dog. When the border guard saw Shen Hui, he nearly knelt on the ground to shine his shoes.

Hu Yuexi hid on one side, secretly poohing in her heart.

The one who got out of the car after Shen Hui was a young and handsome man, with gentle eyes like jade, and a polite and thoughtful smile on his lips. He looked like an epiphyllum in the night, noble and flawless.

Who is this?
Hu Yuexi couldn't help leaning out, wanting to take a closer look.

Unexpectedly, the young man suddenly turned his head and glanced at her hiding place. It seemed that there was an ice edge hidden under his gentle gaze, which was as fast as lightning.

Hu Yuexi's heart skipped a beat, and she shrank back almost the moment he looked over.

Did he... see her?

How is it possible, is that also a practitioner?
Hu Yuexi breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up again, only to see that the convoy had already entered the city.

She squatted on the spot and thought about it, planning to find a place with weak defenses and fly in.

However, she just got up when a gust of wind suddenly came from behind, carrying the spiritual power of the late Jindan period, and struck her neck with a palm.

"..." Before Hu Yuexi could resist, she passed out.

The black jade gourd around her waist flashed a dim light, as if it was ready to protect Hu Yuexi at any time.However, the man who sneaked up did not kill again.

Duanmu Shenzhou glanced at the girl lying limp in his arms, frowned slightly, and sighed.

He didn't know why this girl followed him and Shen Hui, but he never liked to kill people, and this girl didn't look like a spy in a daze, so he simply let her live.

He called the guards brought by Shen Hui and asked them to take her to the inn in the city.

After getting back into the carriage, Shen Hui gave him a meaningful look: "Young Master Duanmu is also a pity."

Duanmu Shenzhou smiled gently and did not answer.

When Hu Yuexi woke up rubbing the back of her neck, her head was still groggy.

She gasped, and in her heart scolded the guy who sneaked up on her to the eighteenth generation of her ancestors. Fortunately, she still thought he looked well-dressed and a gentleman.

A gentleman... ahh!
He is clearly a beast in clothes!
Hu Yuexi sat up, became dizzy, and fell back on the bed.

She felt that she had no strength in her whole body. Although her spiritual power was still there, she couldn't use it at all.Her brain is not stupid, and she knew that she had been tricked when she thought about it. It was the lowest and worst drug for cultivators.

"Gourd, where's the gourd?" Hu Yuexi raised her hand and touched her waist, only to find that she was only wearing a thin gauze dress, not to mention the gourd, the clothes were all gone!

She was desperate.

At this moment, voices suddenly sounded outside the door.

Shen Hui's laughter was hearty and enthusiastic: "Send Mr. Duanmu in quickly and let him have a good rest. I never expected that Mr. Duanmu's drinking capacity is really bad..."

The door was pushed open, and someone came in, pushing and shoving. After a while, the noise subsided, and when the door closed, Hu Yuexi keenly heard the sound of the lock being locked.

Shen Hui whispered again: "Keep it safe."

There were footsteps moving in, staggering.

Hu Yuexi looked up, and she really saw the man outside the city. He was standing there with his hands on the screen, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were misty.

(End of this chapter)

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