Chapter 1984

He was looking around, as if he saw the bed, and wanted to find a place to sit, so he walked over.

Hu Yuexi immediately shouted: "Hey, hey, don't take advantage of other people's danger!"

Duanmu Shenzhou sat down beside the bed, as if he hadn't thought that there was someone on the bed, he turned his head to look at her with a long reflex arc, stared at her for a moment, and then slowly said: "You are not...the one outside the city..."

"Yes, yes, I am the one outside the city, the one you sneaked into!" Seeing that he was still conscious, Hu Yuexi said quickly, "You have already forgiven me. If you go out now, I can still forgive you!"

"Oh..." Duanmu Shenzhou seemed to be digesting her words, but there was no response for a long time.

Hu Yuexi was going crazy.

Oh what, you should go!

Duanmu Shenzhou sat for a while, then got up and moved towards the door.He walked to the door, pulled the door, and found that it couldn't be opened.

He came back again, sat down, and said slowly, "The door is locked."

Hu Yuexi wanted to cry but had no tears.

"I'm sleepy." He pushed her inside and lay down beside her, "Don't make noise, let me sleep for a while..."

Hu Yuexi swore that if she could use her spiritual power now, she would definitely tear this hooligan into pieces.

Just as he was thinking wildly, a slight snoring sound suddenly sounded beside him.


Hu Yuexi turned her head to look and found that the man was really asleep.

Sleep right away?

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief—forget it, if it was just sleeping, she would treat it as a big furry bear lying beside her.

Hu Yuexi was also very tired, and she quickly fell asleep after letting go of her psychological defenses.

She had a ridiculous dream. In the dream, the enchantment of the demon clan was flooded by sea water. Countless sea monsters rushed towards her, biting her flesh, trying to suck her blood.Her limbs felt heavy, and she wanted to resist but couldn't pull herself up.

The whole person sank, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

The sky was about to light up, and it was dark inside the house.

It wasn't the sea monster that bit her, but that man.

Hu Yuexi was weak all over, and she obviously wanted to resist, but when the man pressed her skin, she couldn't think of resisting, and wanted to cater to him.

Such a shameful reaction made her furious, wishing to destroy the world.

She opened her mouth to scold, but the man's lips and teeth moved to a certain sensitive place, and the dirty words she hadn't uttered suddenly turned into subconscious moans.

The man's movements suddenly paused, and he raised his head to look at her.

In the night, his eyes were hot.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Duanmu Shenzhou lowered his head, and kissed the corner of her lips. The smell of wine remained at the corner of their mouths, entangled them like a big net.

Hu Yuexi bit his shoulder shamefully and angrily.

This kind of pain is nothing, on the contrary, it stimulated Duanmu Shenzhou. He suddenly raised his hand and pinched her chin, lowered his head and kissed her, and viciously opened her lips and teeth, drawing out her sweetness.

Hu Yuexi's hands were pressed on top of his head by him, and the two legs that were about to struggle were also forcibly separated by him, and they were put on his waist. The more he struggled, the tighter the entanglement.

First she cursed, then dodged, then begged for mercy, and finally wept.

I tried everything, but the man was irrational and couldn't hear her rejection at all.

Hu Yuexi finally despaired and stopped crying.

She thought, when she woke up, she must chop this man up.

However, what she didn't expect was that the man stopped suddenly, unfortunately at the last critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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