Chapter 1985

He leaned on her, with forbearing eyes like the most ferocious monster of the monster clan, but gently raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Aren't you happy?"

Hu Yuexi froze for a moment.


Hu Yuexi was ashamed and angry: "Get lost!"

"I am rich and good-looking, and I will be in charge of a whole family in the future. If you follow me, I will never wrong you." Duanmu Shenzhou's deep voice rang in her ear.

Hu Yuexi gritted her teeth: "Which family do you have?"

She swears that she will destroy this family when she turns around.

Duanmu Shenzhou smiled gently, rubbed her shoulder and said, "The Duanmu family."

"..." Hu Yuexi opened her eyes wide.


Like a nightmare, Hu Yuexi sat up from the bed suddenly, raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead, grabbed the cold water beside the bed, and drank it in one gulp.

After that night, she would often have such a dream, and the whole process was clearly as if she had gone through it again, but she would also wake up at the last moment.

She got up and walked out of the room.

The sky of Yaozu is bright with stars, the Milky Way is spreading, and the waves in the distance are beating against the reefs, and there are waves of waves.The top ten demon commanders took turns to lead the team on patrol, and Zhu Yan was on guard tonight. Seeing her going out, he came over to ask her what she wanted.

Hu Yuexi waved her hands, just wanting to walk around by herself.

After careful calculation, since that night, she has not had any communication with Duanmu Shenzhou. After waking up, she knew that all the tenderness of Duanmu Shenzhou was reserved for her cousin Duanmu Yi.

That night should have been regarded as a dream. When I woke up from the dream, I should have forgotten it.

But Hu Yuexi couldn't forget, because she found out that she was pregnant.

She tried to get rid of the child several times, but at the end she always remembered the words that the man said while leaning on her shoulder - you follow me, I will never wrong you.

So she gave herself one last chance.

On the day when the Duanmu family was destroyed, she went to him and told him what she had hidden.

If he cheers up and goes to Yaozu to find her, she will give birth to the child.

If he wasn't expecting the baby, she didn't have to put herself in a cage either.

She lowered her eyes and gave a wry smile.

It is impossible for everything to be as perfect as she thinks. She is ready in the Yaozu, waiting for him to deal with other families of the Lingzu, waiting for him to revive the Duanmu family, waiting for him to stabilize the Duanmu family The position of patriarch did not wait for him after all.

I only heard that he is going to marry a cousin from the Baili family of the Spirit Race...

Hu Yuexi locked herself in the room for two days, and then went to the witch doctor of the Yaozu to deal with the unwanted child.

She began to concentrate on dealing with the affairs of the Yaozu, and cooperated with the Hull Empire and Fengyuan Empire in the human world to insert the territory of the Yaozu into the edge of the territory of the Human Race and expand the living environment of the Yaozu people.

A year later, she received a red invitation.

Duanmu sinks the boat and invites her to the wedding.

Hu Yuexi was thinking about something, and unknowingly walked outside the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu.

The main hall stood quietly in the night. Although it was a forbidden place, the door was open, but no one dared to enter.

She lifted the hem of her skirt and walked up the steps.

There is only one pool in the forbidden area, and you can see the scene of the lower world.After the Yaozu were expelled to the unknown sea outside the territory by the people of Xuanye Continent, they found this island and this pool.

They built magnificent palaces and pavilions around this pool and listed themselves as forbidden places.

(End of this chapter)

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