Chapter 198

When Lan Feiang pushed open the door, he saw Bai Jiujiu sleeping in Lu Sichen's arms, and Lu Sichen looked at the person in his arms dotingly.

Lan Feiang was extremely surprised by such a gentle look in his eyes, he did not expect such a look on his elder brother's face.

Not to mention women, even as a man, he had to admit that fortunately his elder brother had a cold face, otherwise he would have hurt the hearts of many young women.

"How did you come?"

A certain man was very unhappy to be disturbed by this peaceful beauty.

"Brother, you asked me to come here to celebrate!" Lan Feiang looked innocent, and when he received Lu Sichen's WeChat message, he rushed over immediately, but was abruptly disgusted.

"Is there?" Lan Feiang gritted his teeth in anger with Lu Sichen's forgetful face, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Since this is the case, don't bother big brother."

Lan Feiang is very witty and understands that he has ruined someone's atmosphere, and someone is minding driving him away!
Hmph, what is there to be proud of, bullying him as a single dog!
"Wait a minute, what are you talking about that can make 'him' cry so sadly and keep apologizing to me?" Lu Sichen couldn't figure it out.

Lan Feiang glanced sideways at Bai Jiujiu, his tears were still wet, as if he had just cried.

"That must have done something I'm sorry for you."

Lan Feiang blurted out without thinking, when the cold wind hit, he suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately added, "Maybe I care too much about you."

Sorry about my business?

Care too much about me?
It's really what Lan Feiang said, what will happen then?

Lu Sichen's dark eyes fell on Bai Jiujiu's fair and peaceful face, thoughtful.

Tang Yijuan's words suddenly sounded in her mind.

Bai Jiujiu is a girl...

It seemed that something was wrong with 'he' at that time.

Could it be, "he" really?
Lu Sichen's eyes moved to Bai Jiujiu's seemingly flat chest, is she really a woman?Or is it all just guesswork?
Lu Sichen stretched out his hand involuntarily.

Lan Feiang's eyes widened, he never expected that Lu Sichen would do it directly!

Brother, is this trying to take advantage of others?
Should he stop it?

Forget it, he will definitely die if he tries to stop it!
Rather than stop it, he wants to know how to develop next!
Lan Feiang couldn't help but stop where he was going to go, and stared at him with a gossip-like face.

It's hard to ignore the fiery eyes.

Lu Sichen paused with his fingers, and gave Lan Feiang a cold look, "Why don't you leave?"

Lan Feiang swallowed his saliva, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Go, let's go!"

Before leaving, he closed the door with some reluctance, what a pity, he only watched the beginning, but couldn't see the end, which tickled his heart.

Damn! ! ! ! !
What he didn't even expect was that his eldest brother would act like this without changing his face, which is really dark-hearted.

When Lu Sichen heard the door click, the corners of his mouth lightly raised. How could his little baby be peeped at by others?

Lu Sichen stared at Bai Jiujiu for a long time, looking him up and down, he was really too delicate.

It is also very likely that it is really too thin and not fully developed.

He persuaded himself like this!

Lu Sichen was a little hesitant, but he still wanted to confirm whether what he had guessed was correct, he hesitated for a long time, and finally, this hand felt...

Lu Sichen was a little startled, and confirmed it again.

The dark and deep eyes instantly changed to a gloomy, cold and terrifying one.

Lu Sichen buttoned it up for Bai Jiujiu with a blank expression, lowered his eyes in silence for a while, and made a call.

(End of this chapter)

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