kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 199 Don't reject me!

Chapter 199 Don't reject me!
"Where are you, Wei Ting? I'm coming to find you."

"I'm at the Dark Night Bar."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Sichen took a deep look at Bai Jiujiu, no one could see his emotions at this moment.

The excessive calm on the cold face seemed to be the calm before a storm.


Bai Jiujiu was woken up by the shock of the mobile phone, and picked up the phone in a daze to answer it. The anxious voice of his best friend came to his ears.

"Jiu Baobao, Jianghu emergency, where are you, come here quickly."

"I'm here..." Bai Jiujiu fell into a drowsy sleep, opened his eyes suddenly, looked around, only to realize that he seemed to be sleeping in a hotel?
strangeness?Why are you in a hotel?

She clearly remembered that it was Lu Sichen who was in the box of the coffee shop, how did she get to the hotel?

By the way, where did uncle go?

"Baby Jiu, Baby Jiu!" Lin Liying shouted anxiously without Bai Jiujiu's response.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Bai Jiujiu withdrew his thoughts, "I seem to be in a hotel."

"Baby Jiu, no matter where you are, come over to me immediately, I have made a decision, come and help me!"

This was the first time Bai Jiujiu saw Lin Liying so anxious.

"Okay, you send me your address, and I'll go there right away."

With Bai Jiujiu's support, Lin Liying took her courage one step further.

She really hesitated for a long, long time, and had been secretly watching Huo Weiting from behind.

Originally, she just wanted to take a look at it, but she never thought about the infatuation from this look to the present. Basically, whenever she is free, she will come to the place where Huo Weiting works.

My heart beats faster when I see him.

When I can't see him, I miss him desperately.

When you see him laughing, you will giggle with him.

Seeing him frown makes me sadder than myself.

Lin Liying knew that she had never let go of Huo Weiting.

She likes him.

It's like taking poison for the first time, just want to try it, but find that I can't quit.

She didn't want to be sneaky anymore, seeing those women circling Huo Weiting, she was jealous.

She made an important decision, she wanted to confess to Huo Weiting.

It's the same as a few years ago, except that the enthusiasm last time was poured cold water.

The courage she mustered up again made her look forward to it and fear it at the same time.

Afraid of being rejected again, looking forward to him giving himself a chance.

It's just that the courage unknowingly lost half of its momentum in the hesitation. She needed someone to support her decision, give her a little courage, and immediately thought of her own death, Tie Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu rushed to Lin Liying's place, heard Lin Liying's thoughts, took her hand and asked, "Yingbao, have you decided?"

Lin Liying nodded, "I've decided. Last time he dismissed me with the excuse that I was young. This time, I don't care how he rejects me. As long as he doesn't have a girlfriend now, I will have a chance."

"Are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend?" Bai Jiujiu asked worriedly.

Lin Liying nodded, "Very sure!"

So he told Bai Jiujiu the record of following Weiting Huo these days.

How many girls have been rejected, go home alone, go for a morning run in the morning and so on.

Bai Jiujiu was speechless when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Ying Bao, it's a pity that you don't become a spy."

But she didn't expect Ying Bao to be so caring about Huo Weiting.

If it weren't for true love, I'm afraid it would be difficult to do this.

"Okay, Yingbao, I support you!"

With Bai Jiujiu's support, Lin Liying seemed to have been beaten to death, and her fighting spirit was high.

(End of this chapter)

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