Chapter 1987

Only then did Hu Yuexi see that there were two jugs of wine beside the table. The man slapped the seal off the wine, and drank half of the wine from the mouth of the jug with his head raised.

The wine slid down his neck, soaking his shirt.

He put down the wine jar, picked up his pen suddenly, and wrote again: "There is no better one, I forbid."

He flicked the pen, turned around and sat on the steps, facing the night sky, facing Hu Yuexi, and drank the two jars of wine.

A servant hurried over to help him, but he pushed him aside.

The two of them didn't know what to say, Duanmu Shenzhou kicked the table away, turned and went back to the room.

The scene in the pool was cut off here, and moved to another place.

Hu Yuexi's whole body was cold, but her heart was strangely hot.

She curled up her fingers, got up suddenly, and left the forbidden area in a hurry.

Duanmu Shenzhou huddled on the bed with the quilt in his arms, his drunken eyes were dim, and he saw the door was opened, and someone walked in under the moonlight, with light steps.

He took a good look until he saw the figure of the man.

"Jiang Yi said that you can see it over there, I believe he is a ghost!" Duanmu Shenzhou muttered.

The man didn't speak, just stood in the dark.

Duanmu Shenzhou stared at it for a while, then hiccupped: "I knew it, it was another dream."

"Didn't you say you can drink very well?" Hu Yuexi said softly.

Duanmu Shenzhou suddenly opened his eyes wide and sat up.

Hu Yuexi came out from the dark, looked at him and said, "Why do you get drunk after two jars of wine?"

Duanmu Shenzhou stood up in a panic, staggered two steps before walking in front of her, raised his hand to support her shoulder, and stared at her until he was convinced that the person in front of him was real.

He suddenly tightened his arms and hugged her into his arms.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi..."

"I hate you." Hu Yuexi whispered.

Duanmu Shenzhou's body stiffened for a moment, he slowly let go of her, moved back a little, and his mind became clear.

He murmured, "I'm sorry, I..."

"You made me lose a child." Hu Yuexi raised her head and said, "So, give me another one."

Duanmu Shenzhou opened his mouth, but did not react.

Hu Yuexi took a step forward and took the initiative to hug him.


Jiang Sui reluctantly takes Yinglan back to the Lower Realm Continent.

Knowing the news, Duanmuyi rushed over to see him off, wondering: "Why is Duan Duan going back again? Will you not be affected?"

"I master the laws of space, and the ascension channel can't hurt me." Jiang suspected with a smile.

Yinglan pulled Duanmuyi to the side and said, "Don't you know? Hu Yuexi is back, Duanmu is about to soar, and the space in the Lower Realm is stable without anyone maintaining it. The Jialan clan still depends on the patriarch."

Duanmuyi couldn't turn his head around.

When Hu Yuexi goes back, is there any necessary connection with Duanmu Shenzhou about to ascend?

Seeing that she really didn't know, Ying Lan said dumbfoundedly: "This is really... your cousin is going to marry your cousin."


When Yinglan followed Jiang Yi back to the Jialan clan, saw Hu Yuexi, handed her the hastily written letter from Duanmuyi, and fanned the flames by the way: "You are finished, your cousin is planning to come down and beat you up."

Hu Yuexi believed it was true: "Ah, this is not okay, she wants to beat me, can't she wait until I go back? She still has my little niece in her belly! Don't you think it's a lot of trouble?"

Yinglan: "..."

Is there any problem with what you focus on?
(End of this chapter)

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