Chapter 1988

While talking, Duanmu Shenzhou accompanied Jiang Sui out. Since Jiang Sui came back, he didn't need to maintain the stability of this space, and he could formally return to the Duanmu family.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Yi, Hu Yuexi boarded the boat and headed for the Lingzu along the Dan River.

Since the last battle in the Dan River, the power of various medicinal herbs in the river has been purified, and now it is just an ordinary boat, the water is full of spiritual power, and the fish it breeds are plump and fresh.

"This one, this one is big!" Hu Yuexi yelled, pointing at the bottom of the water.

Duanmu Shenzhou rubbed her head helplessly and pamperingly: "If you make such a loud noise, you will scare away all the fish."

Hu Yuexi stuck out her tongue, watching that he really caught that fat and fat fish, happily took it to dissect its belly to marinate.

"Let me tell you, my skill at grilling fish is very good. In the past... when Grandpa Zhuyin was still there, I liked to eat my grilled fish very much." Hu Yuexi said, feeling a little depressed, "Grandpa Zhuyin's The death day is approaching, when will we return to the Yaozu?"

Duanmu Shenzhou squeezed her hand and said seriously: "When I return to the Duanmu family and settle down, I will accompany you to live in Yaozu for a while."

A long time ago, she was waiting for him in Yaozu, but he missed the appointment.

Now, he wants to go back with her and spend this period of time well.


The tribulation thunder thundered down, and the ascension channel was officially opened.

The two people who were bathed in the golden light looked at each other and smiled, then flew up to face Lei Yun and entered the ascension passage.There was no trouble from others, the Ascension Passage was stable and safe, and soon arrived at the landing point of Xuanye Continent.

Duanmu Shenzhou's cultivation was stable at the mid-stage of Transformation, but as soon as Hu Yuexi came back, his sealed cultivation gradually rose and stopped at the early stage of Mahayana.

Duanmu Shenzhou: "..."

His daughter-in-law's cultivation base is too strong, and he is under a lot of pressure.

Rubbing his arm, Hu Yuexi said with a grin: "The later the cultivation base of the monster race is, the easier it is to rise up than the cultivators. Don't be too entangled. In Xuanye Continent, there are many opportunities."

"Where are we going?" Duanmu Shenzhou asked.

Hu Yuexi glanced at it, and said: "This should be the edge of the Shensha tribe, let's go, I will take you to the Ascendant Registration Office to register first, and then go to the Shengling tribe."

"Sheng Ling clan?"

Hu Yuexi smiled and said: "That's right, it's where your ancestors of the Spirit Clan lived for generations. Now Young Master Jiang is the patriarch, and my cousin is the chief elder of the Presbyterian Church. You can definitely walk sideways in the Sheng Ling Clan."

When she first heard Duanmu Yi mentioned, Duanmu Shenzhou still looked a little embarrassed.

He was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Listen to you."

Hu Yuexi tilted her head and glanced at him: "Duanmu Shenzhou, don't you... still miss my cousin?!"

"No!" Duanmu Shenzhou quickly clarified himself, "It's just a little... quite embarrassing."

"Oh..." Hu Yuexi curled her lips, "Although she is my cousin, I still envy her."

Duanmu Shenzhou stopped in his tracks, took her hand, and pulled her in front of him.

The corner of Hu Yuexi's mouth curled down, feeling depressed.

He sighed, raised his fingers, held the corners of her mouth, and said, "For the rest of my life, 100 years, 200 years, no matter how many years, I will be with you. Xiaoxi, you don't know that I will see you that night How happy I am to see you."

"Then let's...don't go to the Shengling clan, shall we?"

"Okay, let's go back to the Yaozu, and I will be your master of the village."

(End of this chapter)

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