Chapter 1992

"Mo Lange" ran over to ask him how he did today, and he only said he won.

He is not the biological father of "Mo Lange". She fainted in the mountains when she was 4 years old and was picked up by him and his wife.It's just that after "Mo Lange" woke up, he didn't remember anything before the age of 4, and was raised by the husband and wife as if they were their own daughters.

Mo Qi is not good at words, and since the death of "Mo Lange"'s mother, she has become more taciturn, and "Mo Lange" basically grew up by herself.

After dinner, "Mo Lange" went to find his father and discussed with him about leaving.

There is always heaven and earth in the hearts of young people, and they want to take a look at the wider world, but they are not willing to stick to this small world.

Mo Qi only said: "You go, I will guard your mother here. When you want to come back, come back by yourself."


After receiving Di Zhao's news, Duan Muyi was very happy, and tidied up Di Zhao's room with his own hands.

After she secured her position as the chief of the Shengling Clan's Presbyterian Council a few months ago, she dropped her pick and returned to the Dijiang Clan with her newborn little girl.

Dikongxuan opened the family study, recruited more gifted children from the Dijiang clan, and taught the Dijiang formula from an early age to help the Dijiang clan calm down as quickly as possible.

When he returned home from ethnology, he listened to the report from his servant before he even had time to drink tea, saying that the young master had returned.

After entering the yard, I heard the little girl's crying from afar, which was deafening.

When he opened the door, he saw Di Zhao holding a baby girl who was still in her infancy in his arms. He looked at a loss and was in a hurry, which made Duanmu Yi beside him laugh wildly.

"Father..." Di Zhao Wanru saw the savior, and immediately pushed his sister into his arms.

That girl is also a fine person, as soon as she gets into Dikongxuan's arms, she doesn't cry or fuss, spits in her nest softly, babbling and laughing non-stop.

Di Zhao: "..."

I thought I would have a well-behaved and lovely younger sister, but now she is actually a bully.

"How long will you stay here this time?" Di Kongxuan coaxed his daughter and sat down beside him.

Di Zhao hesitated for a moment, and then told about how he met "Mo Lange" in that village.

He said: "Two years ago, when Lan Ge had an accident, that person also happened to be ill that time. She said that after waking up, she possessed spiritual power that did not belong to her... My previous ancient book in the Baicao clan I read on the Internet that some people have the ability to resurrect the I thought..."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows, using the dead body to revive his soul?

How does this resemble her so much?

She and Di Kongxuan looked at each other, and said slowly: "Zhaoer, have you ever thought that if that Miss Mo is not Lan Ge, it's fine, we apologize to her, and she will always calm her down." But if she is Lan Ge, what do you think she will think when she wakes up?"

Di Zhao wondered, "What do you think?"

"She is Lan Ge, so what is the identity of the one lying on your bed now? How are you going to treat the two Lan Ge?" Duan Muyi hit the nail on the head.

She has the most say in this matter, and she and Xin Ruqing were in such a situation back then.

Fortunately, Di Kongxuan had already fallen in love with her at that time, and he knew clearly that Xin Ruqing was just a wisp of soul, which would be broken sooner or later.

But Mo Lange is different.

Di Zhao has no feelings for that "Ms. Mo" at all now, it's purely probing and taking advantage of her.If Mo Lange's soul really lives in the body of "Ms. Mo", how should Di Zhao choose?

(End of this chapter)

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