Chapter 1993

Will he give up Mo Lange who has been sleeping for a long time for "Miss Mo"?

Or will she be willing to give up "Miss Mo" in order to guard Mo Lange who is like a vegetable?
The excitement in Di Zhao's heart these days was poured by her with a basin of cold water, and she suddenly became sober.

He was silent, his brows and eyes drooping.

Di Kongxuan put his hand on his shoulder and said, "There is always a choice in life, you have to think it through yourself. I'll help you contact Jiang Yi and ask him what he thinks."

Di Zhao nodded, and went back to the room with a heavy heart.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw the girl sitting by the bed, wiping Mo Lange's face, and when he came back, he asked curiously, "When will she wake up?"

Di Zhao took the cotton cloth from her hand, lowered his eyes and said, "Go back and rest first."

The girl got up and asked again: "Then when will you take me for a stroll around the city?"

"I'll arrange someone to accompany you tomorrow," Di Zhao said.

"I want you to accompany me." The girl suddenly became tough.

Di Zhao raised his eyes, and a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes: "You go back first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

He is in a mess right now and just wants to be quiet for a while.

The two looked at each other for a moment, the girl looked away, turned and went out.

After walking a long way, she raised her hand to cover her heart, and noticed the unusual heartbeat there, she was a little at a loss and a little puzzled.

What happened to yourself?
The next day Di Zhao woke up, helped Mo Lange change clothes, washed her face, carried her to the yard for a walk, had breakfast with her, and then went to the front yard.

"Miss Mo? She went out early in the morning." said the housekeeper in the front yard.

Di Zhao frowned: "Is anyone following?"

The housekeeper said: "She won't let anyone follow her, so I sent two guards to follow her."

Only then did Di Zhao feel relieved, so he went to the study room, wanting to find out if there were any other records on his own before the news of Jiang Sui came back.

As soon as he arrived at the study, he saw Duanmuyi arranging the bookcases inside.

"Have you had breakfast?" Duanmu pointed to a plate of shortbread next to him, "Your father bought it early in the morning, I can't eat it, you can eat it."

Di Zhao hurriedly said, "I've eaten."

Duan Muyi motioned him to sit down, thought for a while, and said, "You want to find the record about returning the soul from a dead body, right? Actually, you can just ask me, because I used a dead body to return the soul."

Di Zhao: "???"

Coming out of the study, Di Zhao was still a little dizzy, his mind was full of his mother's secrets, and he couldn't digest it for a while, until he returned to the room and saw Mo Lange, he calmed down.

He thought and thought, and felt that his situation was different from that of his father, and he still had to wait for the reply from the patriarch Jiang Xin, at least to see if "Mo Lange" was really Mo Lange.

At night, the housekeeper came to report in a hurry, saying that Miss Mo hadn't come back yet.

Di Zhao put down his chopsticks and was going to look for it. Who knew that Mo Lange's condition suddenly deteriorated. The girl who had been sleeping peacefully for two years suddenly had black mist all over her body.

Di Zhao had never encountered such a situation before, so in a panic, he asked people to invite his parents to come, and only asked the housekeeper to send someone to look for it again, but he stayed in the room, sending his spiritual power into Mo Lange's body .

Then, Mo Lange's body was like a sieve that leaked air from all sides, his spiritual power was poured in and then leaked out, but the black energy on her body became more and more intense.

Duanmuyi rushed over and immediately displayed his rejuvenation spirit, the totem of the bodhi tree turned into a green light and penetrated into Mo Lange's body, but it didn't help.

(End of this chapter)

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