Chapter 1997

Lan Tingrui may be the last accident.

He indulged her to appear by his side, and took her with him wherever he went, as before. She swore sovereignty to other women, and Yue Rushuang just smiled.

He didn't respond to her love directly, but slowly accepted her.

Yue Rushuang's current residence is in the deepest part of the dormitory area of ​​the college, in a courtyard with a single house, and two attendants from the Qingyue Clan are still waiting for him in the courtyard.

Seeing him coming back with a woman in his arms, the attendants were both silent, not knowing what to do.

Yue Rushuang looked over lightly, and ordered: "Go and cook a bowl of hangover soup."

He carried Lan Tingrui upstairs, walked into the bedroom, and put her on the bed.

Lan Tingrui tugged at the hem of his clothes and refused to let go: "Are you leaving me again?"

Yue Rushuang lowered her eyes to look at her, under the moonlight, she could see her drunken and charming demeanor at a glance, her lips were full of color, pouting slightly because of anger, as if she was inviting him to kiss her.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, and then he bent down and kissed the soft and fragrant lips kindly.

He has never been an upright gentleman, and whenever he sees a girl who comes to his door, he will hug and hug every girl he likes.But as long as it can catch his eyes, there are not many.

Lan Tingrui looked at him with drunken eyes, and foolishly forgot to take a breath.

Yue Rushuang raised her head slightly, caressing hers with her lips, and said with a low laugh: "Close your eyes, breathe."

"Are you kissing me?"

Yue Rushuang curved her lips into a smile, and the cool lips fell on her eyes.

Lan Tingrui trembled and closed her eyes, then sensitively felt his lips touch the tip of his nose, and then fall back to her mouth.Gently rubbing, then sucking, provocatively tender, penetratingly irresistible.

She sent it up to kiss him before, and he never took the initiative like this.

Lan Tingrui thought in a daze, isn't she dreaming?

Yue Rushuang pulled her up and fed her the hangover soup brought outside.

"Is it better?" he asked.

Lan Tingrui pursed her lips, and licked the water on her lower lip with the tip of her tongue. Her consciousness was still slowly returning, but her body reacted first.

She grabbed his collar and kissed him again.

"I still want."

Yue Rushuang looked at her with lowered eyebrows, her eyes were dark and turbulent.

When Lan Tingrui raised her wet eyes and looked at him, she dullly felt that there was a dangerous aura emanating from him, which was an instinct beyond reason.

"What do you want?" He raised his hand and pressed her onto the soft quilt, touching her face, and asked in a hoarse voice.

Lan Tingrui grabbed the hem of his chest, her heartbeat was fast and anxious, she seemed to be awake, but at the same time she seemed to be more intoxicated, and she heard herself say in a trance: "I want you."


In the morning of the next day, it was the practical class. In the martial arts arena, the freshmen of the two classes gathered together.

Last night, many freshmen saw Yue Rushuang and the others at the bar, and they were all discussing at this moment.

"What? Did you see the dean?" A girl said angrily, "Ah, if we had known we would not have left so early!"

"Why are you walking so fast?"

The girl sighed: "It's not Teacher Lan..."

The student next to him suddenly understood: "Oh, Teacher Lan... After yesterday, I saw the dean outside the bar, and he came out of the bar with Teacher Lan in his arms and walked to the courtyard."

Gossip quickly spread throughout the two classes.

Boys and girls of this age, when they are in love, know something about men and women, feel shy, and want to hear more.

(End of this chapter)

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