Chapter 1998

Before you know it, the time for class is getting closer and closer.

"Why hasn't Teacher Lan come yet?"

someone asked.

The bell for class suddenly rang outside the martial arts arena.

Someone stepped on the bell and walked over. He was dressed in a clean white robe, with exquisite features, a lazy expression, and elegant and dignified every move.

A freshman compared him to a lion basking in the sun, and everyone believed it.

He walked to the stage, raised his eyebrows, glanced at the freshmen in two classes, and said lazily, "I will teach you this class."

Everyone was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but whisper to each other.

After all, since the beginning of the term, the dean has not taught any class alone.

Someone boldly asked, "Dean, where is Teacher Lan?"

The next moment, they saw a rare look of embarrassment on the face of the usually elegant and dignified Dean. He pursed his lips, and then said solemnly: "Ms. Lan is tired, I will take over."

All students: "..."


Yue Rushuang turned serious, waved her sleeves, and activated the mimetic function of the Martial Arts Field.

"Now, each class forms a team of five people, and randomly forms opponents with students from another class to conduct a team battle." He divided the venue casually, "Let's start after the team is finished."

Seeing that he didn't even say a word of nonsense and just let them go, the students were even more speechless.

But time was running out, and with the dean personally watching, the efficiency of the students in the two classes was rarely much higher than usual, and soon formed six confrontation teams and entered the martial arts arena.

Yue Rushuang sat lazily on the side, rubbed her fingers subconsciously, lowered her eyebrows, hiding the smile in her eyes.


At the end of the semester, the college leaders organized a dinner.

It is worth mentioning that after the reconstruction of Xuan Ye College, Duan Muyi's opinion was adopted, and one year is one semester, and they can graduate in five years, and then choose their own development directions.Any student with outstanding ideas after graduating from the academy can get the support of the academy.

The dinner was held at Jin Shiju in the academy, and Chen Yuan, as the behind-the-scenes boss of Jin Shiju, was naturally the host.

"I wish, I wish you would slow down!"

A small round ball with short legs rolled towards the crowd, and a young boy in the distance ran after him like a gust of wind.

The little ball hit the person's leg, and Gu Lulu looked up with his big eyes open.

"Uncle, can you borrow me to hide for a while?" Xiao Yuanqiu pointed to Yu Tingsong's robe.

Yu Tingsong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled gently.

Seeing that he didn't refuse, Xiao Yuanqiu immediately lifted off his robe, got in, and squatted at his feet.

But after a while, the young man chased after him, and saw the round lump at Yu Tingsong's feet at a glance. He was very helpless, walked forward, and first saluted.

"Godfather, Uncle Chenyuan, Uncle Yu." His eyes fell on Di Mingkun, he paused, and called, "Brother."

Di Mingkun nodded slightly, but did not feel any discomfort.

In the past, he thought that he was Di Kongxuan's elder brother, so he could be Di Zhaoyi's second uncle.Now that Di Kongxuan is his uncle, Di Zhao can naturally call him elder brother.

Yue Rushuang pinched the flesh of his cheek, a little dissatisfied: "You lost weight again?"

Di Zhao bent his lips and smiled, then bowed his head and said, "May, if you don't come out, there won't be any sweet soup later."

The little meatball moved, and then pitifully poked a head out of Yu Tingsong's robe: "No! Brother is bullying people..."

(End of this chapter)

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