kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 216 Was it to humiliate her?

Chapter 216 Was it to humiliate her?
She had to admit that the girl named Ai Xuanxuan was interesting and suited her tastes, she was ruthless and smart.

However, what I am more satisfied with is my brainwashing of Tang Yijuan.


At this time, Tang Yijuan regarded her as a life-saving straw, and Tang Yijuan listened to everything she said.

"I came here as soon as I received your dangerous message, but I didn't expect it to be a step late."

Tang Yijuan cried bitterly when she heard Yun Manni say this.

A woman's most precious thing has been destroyed, and her life is worse than death.

Yun Manni continued, "Actually, it wasn't a good time for you to expose her last time. I didn't show up because I was threatened by someone behind Bai Jiujiu. The same is true for Yi Xuelan. Don't worry, I will avenge you this time."

"Bai Jiujiu was identified as a woman at the birthday party. With so many reporters, it is impossible for Young Master Lu to help. Yi Xuelan will also help you, and I will try to help you enter this banquet. "

"Okay, I'll do it!" Tang Yijuan's eyes were full of hatred.

Celebrity managers are the best at fooling people with their mouths. They can turn black into white. Tang Yijuan has been completely brainwashed.

Tang Yijuan managed to get Yun Manni'an in. In fact, if Lu Sichen hadn't deliberately released the water, how could they have come in?
Seeing Bai Jiujiu's bright smile, Tang Yijuan's hatred deepened.

Why, even though she already got everything, she didn't let her go, yet she even found someone to defile her!
Is it because I hate her for exposing her?

It's obvious that she is full of lies, what right does she have to treat herself like this!

I used to be blind to fall in love with this kind of person!
"Bai Jiujiu, your hypocrisy is disgusting, you deceive everyone who treats you well.

You don't compromise the means to achieve your goals, how can there be a despicable person like you in this world! "

Tang Yijuan's words pierced Bai Jiujiu's heart.

She subconsciously looked in Lu Sichen's direction.

When he came into contact with those eternally icy eyes and the sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth, Bai Jiujiu's whole body seemed to be splashed with cold water, his head was cold to his feet, and his heart ached.

He knows?How long has he known?
When did you know?

Is it to humiliate her today to treat her like this after knowing it?
Thinking of this question, Bai Jiujiu was stunned.

Obviously wanted to tell him personally, obviously wanted to say sorry to him personally.

She didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Now that he knows in this situation, does that mean he will never forgive himself?
My heart hurts even more.

Bai Jiujiu held the painful part of his chest, and his breathing was not smooth.


Tang Yijuan didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to apologize to her face to face, startled for a moment, then laughed even more frantically, "You admitted it, you finally admitted it!

Don't you think that saying I'm sorry can reduce my harm! ! ! "

Tang Yijuan laughed wildly, clutching Bai Jiujiu's shoulder and shaking, tears couldn't stop falling.

Bai Jiujiu squinted at Tang Yijuan, who was almost losing his mind, and looked at her with a sad look.

"I apologize to you only for concealing my identity, but the things you said are insulting to me.

I have done nothing for a long time. "

(End of this chapter)

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