kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 217 You Liar!

Chapter 217 You Liar!
"Impossible, you still want to deceive me now!!!" Tang Yijuan roared.

"Do I need to lie to you now?

You have been calculated from the beginning to the end and you don't know it. If I did it, I need to let you know?
Let you grab my weakness and talk nonsense here? "

Bai Jiujiu's voice was cold and slightly low, without crying, remorse, or shame.

She knew that this was the lesson Lu Sichen taught her.

Even if she was really in a mess at this time, she didn't want to let herself bow her head.

Bai Jiujiu pushed Tang Yijuan away, and bowed deeply to Lan Feiang, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lan, for deceiving you."

Lan Feiang's frightened mouth could be stuffed with a duck egg, what the fuck is this?
Bai Jiujiu turned out to be a woman!

He couldn't help looking at Lu Sichen, seeing that his face was still cold and his expression didn't change at all. Could it be that he knew it earlier?
So it was he who was kept in the dark?

This is playing him like a monkey!

Lan Feiang suddenly became angry, "I misread you!"

Bai Jiujiu knew that this was the consequence she had to bear, a wry smile appeared from the corner of her mouth, "I'm sorry."

Lan Feiang originally wanted to say something, but when he saw her like this, he couldn't bear to say it, so he just waved his hand.

"Forget it, the contract can't be signed, it's all broken up."

Even so, Lan Feiang still helped her with a word at the end, Bai Jiujiu was grateful, but how could those reporters let go of such explosive news?
Bai Jiujiu was besieged in circles, each question became more acute, as if it had been pre-arranged.

"Didn't you consider the consequences of coming to the New World so deceitfully?"

"Are you hiding the identity of the woman to get close to Young Master Lu?"

"Someone reported that your relationship is unusual. Are you Young Master Lu's secret lover?"

"I heard that you got the first place because of unspoken rules. Is this news true?"

Faced with such a question, the smile on Bai Jiujiu's face gradually receded.

Ying Bao looked at her best friend in the heat of the water, how could she stand by and watch, but Huo Weiting stopped her when she wanted to go forward.

"It's a man, don't stop me, do you want me to watch my sister suffer alone?
I can not do it! "

Huo Weiting didn't expect to help her, but was scolded by her for not knowing what to do.

OK you awesome!
Just step sideways and let this ignorant woman learn a lesson.

"Hey, don't force others to make things difficult for you. Journalists should have a sense of public morality. What about your professional qualities?
Why are you acting like a gossip reporter! "

Lin Liying yelled and wanted to squeeze in to persuade her, but there were too many people and she couldn't squeeze in. Instead, she was pushed violently by the people next to her, she backed up and fell to the ground.

Bai Jiujiu also noticed that Yingbao fell to the ground, and his voice was tinged with anger, "That's enough, please ask questions in a civilized manner, or don't blame me for defamation!"

"Oh, what a shame, you still want to sue us for slander. It's shameless to deceive people first and then seduce others." One of the male reporters with a camera hanging around his neck sneered.

"I lied to the New World, and if I want to be held accountable, the New World will be held accountable!

It's not your turn to point fingers one by one. The responsibility of the reporter is to clarify the truth of the matter, not to make it up!
You say I seduce people, do you have evidence? "The male reporter Bai Jiujiu looked directly at, the strong sense of oppression made the male reporter unable to hide.

 PS: Today's update is over, vote for those who like it, and continue to add updates tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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