kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 220 Begging!

Chapter 220 Begging!
"Should you go?" Yixuelan said to Bai Jiujiu in a nonchalant manner, with the tone of a hostess.

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Yixuelan, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth: "In what capacity are you saying this to me?"

"I...your senior." Yi Xuelan realized that she was not qualified to call herself Lu Sichen's woman.

"Senior? Any of the actors present can be my senior, but you are not qualified." A sneer appeared on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, and his words were merciless.

In fact, it can be called quite rude, and slapped Yixuelan in the face fiercely, no matter how good Rao Yixuelan's acting skills are, it is inevitable that she will be defeated by these words for a while.

"You!" Yixuelan's eyes were filled with anger, if it wasn't for such an occasion, she might not be able to resist slapping Bai Jiujiu's face a few times.

Endure, she must endure, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Now, no matter in front of Lu Sichen or in front of everyone, he must be gentle and considerate.

"Brother Si Chen, look how arrogant she is, she doesn't feel any guilt at all for cheating you, and she dares to speak nonsense here." Yi Xuelan's words directly pointed the contradiction at Lu Sichen.

Bai Jiujiu challenged Lu Sichen's limit, no matter how special she was in Lu Sichen's heart, she didn't believe that Lu Sichen would change so completely for her and let her go!
Bai Jiujiu stared at Lu Sichen. In fact, she was a little scared in her heart. She was afraid that Lu Sichen would speak for Yi Xuelan, which meant that he completely hated her.

"Really? Isn't she just doing what you used to do?"

Lu Sichen squinted at Yixuelan, and Yixuelan took a few steps back in fear. At that time, she was young, and two such outstanding men were in front of her, so she hesitated for a while.

It's just that she didn't expect it to become like this, thinking of that person's estrangement, thinking of Lu Sichen's defense of Bai Jiujiu, if she had chosen Lu Sichen, would the result be different?
Lu Sichen pinched Bai Jiujiu's jaw with fingers like porcelain bones, the force was so heavy that it caused her pain, and she looked directly at Lu Sichen, no matter how embarrassing she was, there was an unwillingness to bow her head and stubbornness in her bones.

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu's stubborn appearance, and the dark anger in his eyes was even worse. It was this kind of eyes that confused him, "Why did you lie to me?"

The voice that comes out of the mouth is a depressive hoarse, still low and magnetic, making the listener feel an indescribable sadness in his heart.

"I didn't do it on purpose." Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth, tears fell like dew, dripping on Lu Sichen's hands, scalding, scalding.

"That means approaching me on purpose?" Lu Sichen narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of danger around him, which made people shy away.

"I didn't, uncle, I didn't. You misunderstood yourself from the beginning. I wanted to confess several times, but I was afraid..."

Lu Sichen brushed his fingers across the corners of Bai Jiujiu's eyes, and licked his tear-stained fingers with the tip of his tongue, his movements were handsome and charming.

The aura of the whole person was completely blackened.

"I gave you the chance, but what about you?" He chose to give up again and again, he had never had such patience with people.

"If it hadn't happened today, would you have been trying to hide it from me and play me like a fool?"

Bai Jiujiu shook her head violently, she had never thought about it that way before!

"No, I didn't. I hinted at you, and you also said, 'As long as I don't leave you, you promise me anything.' Uncle, I hope you can forgive me this time, okay?"

 I finished adding updates today, and I want to add more old rules tomorrow!Wow!

(End of this chapter)

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