kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 221 Listen to my explanation!

Chapter 221 Listen to my explanation!
There was a hint of pleading and reconciliation in this tone.

A word suddenly sounded in Lu Sichen's ear.

'If you found that I was different from what you imagined, would you still like me? '

At that time, he thought it was Bai Jiujiu who lacked a sense of security, but he never thought that it was the other party who gave him a hint.

"I said it to 'him', not you. This promise has no effect on you."

Lu Sichen's light words undoubtedly put Bai Jiujiu into limbo and made her tremble all over.

"You go, don't let me see you again, because..."

"you disgust me."

If Lu Sichen's words before were like raindrops, then the words "disgusting" were like a bolt from the blue.

The heart felt like being bitten by a hundred thousand ants, and the numbness was stinging every nerve in the limbs and bones at the same time.

I couldn't breathe for several times, and felt like I was about to suffocate.

She took a few steps back unsteadily, if it wasn't for Lin Liying's sharp eyes and hands to support her, Bai Jiujiu might not be able to bear the pain and fainted on the ground.

"Jiu Bao, are you okay? Don't scare me?" Lin Liying looked at Bai Jiujiu's pale face and said anxiously.

Bai Jiujiu squeezed out a smile uglier than crying, "He said I was disgusting."

Listening to Bai Jiujiu's chuckle, Lin Liying hugged Bai Jiujiu, "Don't listen to his nonsense, I will teach him a lesson for you!"

Lin Liying immediately helped Bai Jiujiu onto the sofa, but Bai Jiujiu was powerless to hold her, so he could only watch Ying Bao rush to Lu Sichen.

"Young Master Lu, Jiu Bao really likes you. She told me that the reason she didn't tell you the truth is because she was afraid of losing you. She knows that you hate liars the most!"

"But your initial acquaintance was like that, which was not what she wanted.

That's right, she made a mistake, but her biggest mistake was falling in love with you. If she didn't fall in love with you, why would she stay by your side all the time? "

Ying Bao vented to Lu Sichen about protecting her best friend.

She has never seen Bai Jiujiu like this before. She was deceived like that before and owed a huge debt, but she was very strong and did not fall down.

Today, I couldn't hold on because of Lu Sichen's words!

What is this but love him?
It's really ruthless for men to be ruthless, and they don't show any affection at all!

"Have you finished?" If Lu Sichen hadn't seen that she was Huo Weiting's woman and at the same time Bai Jiujiu's best friend, he would have asked someone to throw her out a long time ago, how could she let her look at him so arrogantly.

Originally, I was quite envious of Jiu Bao, to meet a good man like you, but I didn't expect you to be so selfish!
You only care about venting your anger but don't think about Jiu Bao at all. If Jiu Bao didn't like you, do you think you hurt her? "

Hearing Lin Liying's words, Lu Sichen laughed suddenly, a little crazy, a little suppressed, and Ying Bao unconsciously took a few steps back with his hell-like laughter.

"Could it be that she lied to me and thought that I would forgive her, isn't she relying on me to love her?"

Facing Lu Sichen's words, Lin Liying opened her mouth several times but didn't know what to say.

"I gave her a chance to confess last night. She gave up by herself, and now she admits it?
late! "

last night?Lin Liying suddenly thought of the WeChat message she sent last night, but Bai Jiu didn't see it for a long time, so...

Lin Liying took out her mobile phone to check, and sure enough, Bai Jiujiu's account was no longer on WeChat.

Could it be that it was Lu Sichen who read the message last night and deleted her.

This man is really narrow-minded!

(End of this chapter)

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