kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 277 I don't want to, no one can hurt me!

Chapter 277 I don't want to, no one can hurt me!

"Don't say that, Jiujiu is a big celebrity in our company, an employee recruited by Young Master Lu himself." Yi Xuelan seemed to be speaking for Bai Jiujiu, but actually gave her a high hat.

"Really? I haven't seen her make any film when she's so good, she's not half as popular as Xue Lan." Qian Jiner looked Bai Jiujiu up and down with a look of contempt.

"Can she compare with Xuelan? Xuelan is the future actress." Qian Jinsan also praised Yixuelan.

"Oh, don't say that, aren't we here to buy paintings? Take a look at the paintings." Han Menglan realized that the atmosphere was suddenly not right, and immediately changed the topic.

"Yeah, look at the paintings, yes, for a long time, you are so good that you were invited by Aunt Lu, and you were also favored by Young Master Lu. Can you tell me which painting here is better, and can it increase in value when you buy it back?"

As soon as Qianjin asked casually, the others watched the show and waited.

Han Menglan naturally saw it, and immediately stepped forward, "Oh, don't embarrass me for a long time, she can't understand."

"Isn't it embarrassing to come to such an occasion without understanding?" Qian Jin Er sneered.

"Young Master Lu's vision is a little off this time, and he's not on the same level at all. I'm really worried about how they communicate." Qian Jinsan sighed softly, as if to complain for the Lu family.

Han Menglan was in a hurry, she didn't mean that at all, she couldn't help but look at Yi Xuelan, "Sister Yi..."

I hope she can speak for Bai Jiujiu.

Yi Xuelan still smiled softly and said, "Don't be like this. Although Jiujiu only has a high school education, he is a hardworking person. I believe he will become popular one day."

Qian Jinyi said disapprovingly: "Xue Lan, your words are obviously comforting, it is wishful thinking for her to think that she will become popular just by her own efforts.

You must know that there is no chance based on your own strength, and the probability of being popular is only one in a thousand or one in ten thousand. "

Qian Jiner sneered at Bai Jiujiu: "Could it be that you've watched too many idol dramas, thinking that it's not good for rich kids to like commoner girls? Your worth is not worthy of carrying my shoes!
Even if this kind of situation really exists, it's just for fun. It's impossible to get married. Don't daydream. I advise you to wake up quickly! "

Qian Jinsan also agreed, "That is, not to mention family background, even ideas, values, and communication may be the same as chickens and ducks.

How can you say that people from two worlds can live together?
Inferior people are inferior people who want to live the lives of upper class people, but they just don't think that they are worthy of it?Ha ha ha ha! "

Bai Jiujiu looked at the faces of this group of people and remained silent. Is this why Mother Lu brought him here?
Want to see clearly the gap between you and the uncle, and recognize the facts?
Han Menglan watched Bai Jiujiu pursed her lips and said nothing, thought that Bai Jiujiu was angry, and immediately took her hand to comfort her: "Jiujiu, don't take it to heart, they have no malicious intentions."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Han Menglan with worried eyes, she was really a kind and good girl, she stroked her head with a smile and said, "I know, I don't mind."

Regardless of whether they were malicious or not, there was indeed some truth to what they said.

"One fact is true, the gap between the rich and the poor between me and Lu Shao is indeed huge, and the values ​​are also different.

If it were me, I would definitely not spend 5 yuan to buy a painting, just for appreciation or as a gift. "

For her, [-] yuan can be used for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but not just for decorations or gifts. It is too extravagant for her.

(End of this chapter)

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