kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 278 Family Is My Bottom Line

Chapter 278 Family Is My Bottom Line

"Long time!"

Bai Jiujiu turned his head to look, never expecting that Bai Xinlin would also come.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"If I don't come here, I'll let you be bullied by them like this!" Bai Xinlin pointed at the few young ladies who were angry just now: "So what if you have money? What's there to be proud of? Is it possible to insult people casually if you have money?"

"Where's the shrew, the security guards hurry up and drive her away!" Qian Jin Er couldn't bear the accusation, stepped forward and pushed Bai Xinlin violently.

Bai Xinlin took a few steps back, the heel of his shoe snapped and he sprained his ankle.

Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu's eyesight and hands quickly helped Bai Xinlin stabilize, so that she didn't fall to the ground.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it seems to be twisted."

Bai Jiujiu directly helped Bai Xinlin to sit on the chair, and said with a smile, "Mom, sit down first, and I'll take care of it."

Bai Xinlin wanted to hold Bai Jiujiu, but when he thought about it, he withdrew his fingers again.

She really couldn't swallow this breath.

Qian Jiner watched Bai Jiujiu walk towards her step by step, and was scared by her powerful aura and took a few steps back, "You, what do you want?"

"You can insult me, but not my mother! Besides..."


Bai Jiujiu slapped her hard, and continued: "You still dare to touch my mother?"


Bai Jiujiu slapped his backhand again.

"Remember that you can touch me, but my family is my bottom line. No matter who dares to hurt my family, I will never forgive me!"

Qian Jiner was so frightened by Bai Jiujiu's murderous eyes that he even forgot to cry.

Others want to step forward, but dare not step forward.


Mother Lu didn't expect something to happen, so she hurried forward and said, "Jiujiu, stop making trouble."

"Trouble? Aunt Lu, did you call my mother?" Bai Jiujiu glanced at Mother Lu.

Lu's mother was startled, she had never seen such a cold and unfamiliar look from Bai Jiujiu.

"Aunt Lu, you are dissatisfied with me, just come to me, and don't involve my mother in the future."

Bai Jiujiu left this sentence and immediately went to help Bai Xinlin, intending to leave here.

Han Menglan also stepped forward to help Bai Xinlin, and said to Bai Jiujiu: "You just offended Ji Zimo, the daughter of the Ji family, and she will definitely not let you go, Jiujiu, take your mother away."

"It's not that easy to leave!" Ji Zimo called the security guard from nowhere, and immediately said: "These two are thieves, they don't have VIP cards at all, teach them a lesson."

"Zimo, don't make things worse, she is Young Master Lu's guest." Han Menglan came forward to persuade her.

Ji Zimo squinted at Mother Lu, "Aunt Lu, are you really going to offend me for these two poor people?"

Mother Lu frowned slightly. In fact, it is reasonable to say that she brought the man, and she was indeed responsible, but just now Bai Jiujiu's cold and hateful eyes completely chilled her heart.

Ji Zimo looked proud at Lu's mother's silence, pointed at Han Menglan and said, "Lanlan's matter has nothing to do with you, don't get involved, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Ji Zimo took a glass of wine and poured it on Bai Jiujiu, "Who do you think you are, that you dare to hit me? My parents were reluctant to hit me when they were young, and you dare to hit me!"

"I'm satisfied with you two beating her hard, and the money is yours." Ji Zimo casually threw ten banknotes.

The two security guards immediately opened their eyes when they saw Qian, and beat Bai Jiujiu up.

(End of this chapter)

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