kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 418 Heartbroken

Chapter 418 Heartbroken

[-]% of the equity, according to the current market price of at least several hundred million or more.

"You know the fate of those who resist me." After the temptation, there is threat.

Yi Xuelan naturally knew that because of this, this man loved and hated her.

What I love is his charm, what I hate is his ruthlessness.

"I'll think about it."

Lu Sichen was not in a hurry at all, took a sip of his coffee, and waited for the prey to struggle in his hands.

At this time, another couple was sitting downstairs in the restaurant.

Ai Yehe and Ai Xuanxuan.

"Tell me, what kind of evidence do you have that can prove Bai Jiujiu's innocence." Ai Yehe went straight to the point.

Ai Xuanxuan didn't talk nonsense, she directly took the phone and opened it for Ai Yehe to see.

It was a video, the screen was black, and only sound could be heard.

"I'll introduce Bai Jiujiu in later, and you find a way to let everyone see that it was Bai Jiujiu who pushed me down, so she won't be able to argue."


"Then I'll go first, you can go out later."

After that, there was no sound, and then suddenly there was a picture in the video, which was Xia Wanli's leaving figure.

Then there is nothing more.

After the video was played, Ai Xuanxuan took the video back, "You can see the time displayed on it clearly, she is the last person who came into contact with Xia Wanli, with this, she can prove Bai Jiujiu's innocence."

Ai Yehe didn't expect that Bai Jiujiu, who was still scheming before Xia Wanli's death, really deserved his death, but it's a pity that he dragged Bai Jiujiu to his back.

"How can you give me the video?" Ai Yehe said.

Ai Xuanxuan looked at Ai Yehe affectionately, approached Ai Yehe, put her hands around his neck and said, "Brother Yehe, will you marry me?"

"..." The two people who were eavesdropping next door were suddenly speechless.

Ying Bao said in a low voice to Bai Jiujiu: "Sister Ai is really loyal, she actually wants to give her body for you."

Bai Jiujiu was silent.

The two of them found that when Ai Yehe left, they were almost venting their emotions, so they followed secretly. They didn't expect to encounter such a scene.

Ai Yehe didn't push Ai Xuanxuan away this time, but said: "Do you think it's interesting to keep me by your side?"

"Yes, then you will be mine!" Ai Xuanxuan kissed Ai Yehe, but Ai Yehe was indifferent.

Ai Xuanxuan let go of her hand and cried, "Why?
Brother Yehe, do you hate me that much?
What's so good about Bai Jiujiu, she's just like me. "

"She's different from you." Ai Yehe said without thinking.

"Hehe..." Ai Xuanxuan laughed and said, "You said she is different from me?
Haha, you are wrong, if it weren't for Young Master Lu, she might not be much cleaner than me. "

"She is relying on Young Master Lu's favor and your protection. If you had protected me like you protected her back then, I would have been humiliated like that. Would I have gone on this path?"

A look of emotion flashed across Ai Yehe's eyes, "I said that as long as you leave, I..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I'm not reconciled to this!

I finally got everything I have now, I am not reconciled to just having nothing like this, starting from scratch, I am not reconciled. "

Ai Xuanxuan's words shattered Ai Yehe's emotion.

"In this case, we have nothing to say." Ai Yehe planned to get up and leave.

Ai Xuanxuan waved her mobile phone and said, "You don't want this evidence anymore?"

Ai Ye paused, struggling in his heart.

Bai Jiujiu didn't want to eavesdrop and stood up, startling Ying Bao.

(End of this chapter)

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