kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 419 Jiubao is awesome!

Chapter 419 Jiubao is awesome!
"No more." Bai Jiujiu stood in front of Ai Yehe.

Ai Xuanxuan was not surprised to see Bai Jiujiu, "I didn't expect that you and your friends like to listen to the corner."

Ying Bao coughed twice, "Speak well, I overheard it."

She didn't expect Ai Xuanxuan to know that they were eavesdropping, but she didn't mind at all.

Bai Jiujiu naturally understands why, Ai Xuanxuan publicizes her special relationship with Sister Yehe to others all the time, breaking the buds of the feelings of those women who are interested in Ai Yehe.

"There's no need to listen to this woman's threats. Besides, I'm full of energy now, so I'll start from scratch." Bai Jiujiu said to Ai Xuanxuan, "I'm not reconciled either, but my reluctance is different from yours.

What I am not willing to lose is that losing is very disgraceful, so that I can't lose my heart, not that I can't afford to lose the word.

Our backgrounds may be the same, but our natures are different.

I never bully others to achieve a certain goal.

This is the fundamental difference between me and you. "

Ai Xuanxuan wanted to refute her, and opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't say a word, and finally could only leave depressed and unwilling.

Bai Jiujiu didn't pay attention to it anymore, people like Ai Xuanxuan have different ways of doing things and don't conspire with him, it's better to have less interaction.

Smiling to the other two people: "Let's go, it's time to fulfill the previous promise, take the two of you to have a massage!"

Yingbao gave Bai Jiujiu a thumbs up, "Jiubao, great! I'll give you a hundred likes."

Ai Yehe seems to have a new understanding of Bai Jiujiu.

After walking a few steps, Ying Bao suddenly exclaimed, "Young Master Lu?"

Ying Bao pointed in the direction of Ying Bao, it really is an uncle!

There is also a white lotus beside him, Yi Xuelan.

Yi Xuelan seemed to pick up something at random, it was as thin as a piece of paper, like a photo, and quickly put the photo into her bag.

Ying Bao squinted at Ai Yehe, his tone full of anger, "What do you men mean?
Give your woman to others to accompany, and go to accompany other women by yourself? "

Ai Yehe was speechless, what's the matter with him?
Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu without saying a word, and asked cautiously, "Jiu Bao, could it be that you... had a fight?"

Bai Jiujiu was silent, she let the uncle go by herself, but she didn't expect him to accompany Yi Xuelan!
Originally, the haze dissipated, but at this moment it returned.

Turn away angrily?It's nothing, it's really her fault this time.

Bai Jiujiu walked over directly.

Yi Xuelan naturally also saw Bai Jiujiu, and deliberately approached Lu Sichen with a slightly provocative look.

"Uncle, hug!" Bai Jiujiu opened his arms, not in a coquettish tone, but more than a coquettish tone.

Lu Sichen slightly raised his eyebrows, walked over in full view, and directly hugged Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu wrapped his arms around Lu Sichen's neck, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and kissed the corner of Lu Sichen's lips, "You're so good."

"..." Is she teasing him?
Lu Sichen should have considered whether to let go, but seeing the rare smile in Bai Jiujiu's eyes, he let her mess around in front of everyone.

Ying Bao was completely stunned, and only Bai Jiujiu dared to treat Lu Sichen like this. If it were someone else, he might not know how he died.

Ai Yehe glanced at Bai Jiujiu for a few times, her nostalgic eyes seemed to be seen only on Lu Sichen.

(End of this chapter)

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