kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 432 Branch 0 Broken Heart

Chapter 432 A Broken Heart
Yimu looked at Lu Weijiang, "Is she dead? But she is the only one who hates you so much. Could it be that her ghost seeks revenge from you?"

Lu Weijiang looked moved, as if caught in the past.

Lu Sichen frowned even deeper, "Who is she?"

Yimu was indeed a little delirious, and murmured, "No, she died, it won't be her."

Mr. Lu seemed to know who it was, but he didn't mention it, and said, "No matter what, Bai Jiujiu, you can't marry! In the future, don't have any relationship with the women of the Yi family!"

"No, Bai Jiujiu is already my woman!" Lu Sichen directly refused.

"You, you bastard, you want to anger me!" Mr. Lu raised his crutch and beat Lu Sichen hard.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu felt distressed, and immediately stood in front of Lu Sichen, "I beg Mr. Lu to be merciful."

"Anyway, anyway, you mustn't..." Mr. Lu fainted before he finished speaking.


The doctor told Lu Sichen that Mr. Lu must not be made unconscious again, otherwise his life would be in danger!

Lu Sichen immediately picked up the old man and left.

This time, old man Lu really fainted, not pretending.

Lu's mother glanced at Lu Weijiang, "Let's get a divorce. After Mr. Lu wakes up this time, we will get a divorce."

After Lu's mother finished speaking, she followed Lu Sichen to the hospital.

But Lu Weijiang hesitated to speak, and followed.

Only Bai Jiujiu, who was wearing a wedding dress, was left standing there, and the feeling of happiness just now was shattered.

Yi Xuelan glanced at Bai Jiujiu, her tone was full of resentment, "Now you are satisfied, you evil spirit not only disturbed my family, but also Brother Si Chen!"

"Shut up!" Bai Xinlin pushed Yi Xuelan away, "Stop talking nonsense here, and blame Jiu Jiu for everything!"

Bai Xinlin held Bai Jiujiu's hand in distress, "Go, Mom will take you home."

Bai Jiujiu let Bai Xinlin lead him like a puppet without a soul.

"Wait a minute, Jiujiu is my daughter, she should be brought back to Yi's house." Yiyang Hai blocked Bai Xinlin's way.

"Why? I've raised my daughter for decades, and you pick it up as soon as you say it? When you discarded it before, you did it all? You come to recognize her relatives when you grow up? You don't want to be shameless!" Bai Xin guarded Bai Jiujiu. Behind me, there is a posture of fighting desperately with whoever snatches my daughter.

Yi Xuelan pointed at Bai Jiujiu and said, "Dad, do you want me and Mom or this illegitimate child? Is my daughter not as deep as her and you? This family has me without her, has her or not!"

When Yi Yanghai heard what Yi Xuelan said, he immediately said: "Lan'er, you are my father's good daughter, but so is Jiu Jiu."

Ying Bao, who was watching from the side, felt distressed that Bai Jiujiu was dragged around like a puppet without a soul, and suddenly stepped forward to push everyone away, directly pulling Bai Jiujiu behind her, and said angrily: "Enough is enough! "

"You haven't seen how sad Jiu Bao is, you are still arguing here, one of you keeps saying that you have raised her for decades, and the other keeps saying that she is your daughter, but do you care about how Jiu Jiu feels?

Can't you see that she has a nervous breakdown now!
Why are you still arguing here!

Now she must be in a mess, I hope my uncles and aunts can let Jiu Bao calm down by himself, please. "

The voice begged the men to shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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