kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 433 Nothing to do!

Chapter 433 Nothing to do!

Ying Bao directly pulled Bai Jiujiu and said, "Jiu Bao, let's go."

Originally wanted to walk in front of Huo Weiting, but abruptly changed his footsteps and walked towards Lan Feiang, "Mr. Lan, can you help us find a quiet place?"

Compared with the sissy Sister Ai, Ying Bao still thinks that Lan Feiang is more reliable, at least he is also a general manager.

Lan Feiang nodded, "Oh, okay, you two come with me."

Huo Weiting looked at Ying Bao leaving his back, feeling a little bit reluctant.

Ai Yehe patted Huo Weiting on the shoulder, "Don't suppress yourself if you like it, be careful if you are snatched away, you will regret it."

Bai Xinlin watched Bai Jiujiu being taken away by Yingbao, knowing the relationship between the two, he was not worried, but Yiyanghai stopped him when he wanted to leave.

"Ms. Bai, I want to talk to you."

Bai Xinlin glanced at Yimu and Yixuelan and said, "It's better for you to settle down with your family before you come talk to me."

Yiyang Hai sent the mother and daughter back home, comforted her, and immediately went to see Bai Xinlin.

At this time, there was another man beside Bai Xinlin, and that was Shao Chaohua.

Before the wedding, Lu Sichen didn't invite him, so he wasn't qualified to go. Bai Xinlin had already told Shao Chaohua about the general situation just now.

"You want to recognize Bai Jiujiu?" Shao Zhaohua asked.

"Yes." Yiyang Hai didn't drag her away from Daishui, "After all, Bai Jiujiu is my daughter. Of course, you are the benefactors who raised Jiujiu. If you have any requests, please ask."

"Okay, Mr. Yi is refreshing, you also know that we have put so much thought into Bai Jiujiu, and the daughter is raised so big, you can't justify it with you, right?"

"Yes, yes, then tell me, how can you let Jiujiu follow me?"

Shao Chaohua stretched out five fingers, "This number, as long as you give me this number, I will let you take Bai Jiujiu away!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Xinlin hurriedly pulled Shao Chaohua's sleeve.

That's not what she meant at all!
"50?" Yiyang Hai thought that he could take out his savings.

"No, no, no, it's 500 million!" Shao Chaohua said loudly.

"500 million?!" Yiyang Hai would definitely not be able to get it out, unless he asked Ding Hui, after all, the company's affairs were under her control.

"Why don't you want to?" Shao Zhaohua asked, ignoring Bai Xinlin directly.

"This 500 million is too much, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." Yiyang Hai really couldn't get it out.

"Okay, I'll give it!" Yixuelan suddenly rushed over from the side, "We Yijia will give you 500 million yuan, but from now on you have nothing to do with Bai Jiujiu!"

When Bai Xinlin heard what Yi Xuelan said, he immediately stood up and said, "No, we don't want the money anymore! Let's go!"

When Shao Zhaohua heard that the 500 million was coming soon, his eyes went straight. How could he be willing to leave, so he immediately dragged Bai Xinlin to persuade him.

"You are stupid, now it is obvious that Bai Jiujiu will not be with Young Master Lu, then Yu'er's illness has no money to treat, and you think that your meager salary is not enough for a day.

Besides, Bai Jiujiu is the daughter of Yi's family, and she will return to Yi's family sooner or later. After you have raised her for so long, wouldn't it be nice to let their family take some money to help Bai Yu treat his illness? "

When Bai Xinlin heard about treating Bai Yu's illness, she retreated in her heart. She really needed money, but the act of needing money undoubtedly sold Bai Jiujiu!
Shao Chaohua saw that he couldn't do it hard enough, so he could only be soft, coaxing: "Xin Lin, don't worry, this is only temporary."

(End of this chapter)

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