kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 434 Sold Her Out!

Chapter 434 Sold Her Out!
"When we have money in the future, we can just return it to them, and treat it as a loan for Bai Yu."

Bai Xinlin thought of Shao Chaohua's kindness to her these days, tolerated her temper, ran to Bai Yu's every day, and became more and more considerate to her.

Seeing him begging like this now, Bai Xinlin softened his heart for a moment, "Then, we are just borrowing."

Shao Chaohua heard Bai Xinlin let go, and nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, we just borrowed it."

Yi Xuelan saw that it was almost done and asked, "Have you all discussed it?"

Shao Chaohua nodded, and swore frankly, "It's all discussed, as long as you give us 500 million, we promise to have nothing to do with Bai Jiujiu!"

Yi Xuelan clicked on the recording and said to Bai Xinlin: "What he said doesn't count, but you are Jiu Jiu's mother anyway, so what you say yourself counts."

Bai Xinlin said with difficulty, "As long as, as long as you give, give 500 million, I will, I won't bother Jiu Jiu anymore."

"Never see each other again?"

Seeing Bai Xinlin hesitate, Shao Chaohua said in a low voice: Bai Yu, it's Bai Yu. "

Bai Xinlin gritted his teeth, "We won't see each other again!"

"Okay!" Yi Xuelan was very satisfied, and threw a bank card casually, "Here is temporarily 100 million, and I will give it once a year. As long as you are obedient and really cut off contact with Bai Jiujiu, I will naturally give it to you, but if you deceive me Then compensate me a hundredfold!"

Shao Chaohua immediately snatched the bank card, his eyes were full of greed and satisfaction, "Okay, okay, we will never contact her."

With this money, what is he afraid of? Recently, he took a fancy to a car, and now that he has enough money, he can buy a new one.

"Let's go." Shao Chaohua pulled Bai Xinlin to leave, but Bai Xinlin hesitated to say something.

Yi Xuelan saw it and said: "If you go back on your word, give me the money now."

Shao Chaohua immediately put the bank card in his pocket and whispered to Bai Xinlin, "We still need to see Bai Yu later, let's go."

Bai Xinlin gritted his teeth and had no choice but to leave.

A vicious smile flashed in Yi Xuelan's eyes, "Dad, I gave all my private money to this younger sister, shouldn't you thank us, mother and daughter?"

Yiyang Hai did not expect that Yi Xuelan would agree to let Bai Jiujiu come back. You must know that she strongly opposed it before, so he was very pleased and said: "I never thought that my Lan'er has grown up and knows how to be considerate of Dad."

Yi Xuelan asked with a gentle face: "Dad, when will we bring Bai Jiujiu back?"

"Wait and see, your mother didn't object?" Yiyang Hai asked.

Yi Xuelan shook her head, "My mother agreed, and that's what she meant."

"That's great, that's great." Yiyang Hai didn't expect when Yimu became so reasonable.

Yi Xuelan thought of Yiyang Hai leaving them behind before, so she said something to Yi Mu.

"If Dad wants to bring Bai Jiujiu back, we can't stop him, then obey her. There's no need to break up the family just because of Bai Jiujiu. As long as she comes in then, we have plenty of ways to torture her!"

Yimu nodded in agreement.

What Yi Xuelan never expected was that Bai Jiujiu's adoptive mother actually sold her daughter.

She had to pass on this great gift to Bai Jiujiu, and she also said a few words.

Thinking of Bai Jiujiu's painful expression, Yi Xuelan felt very happy in her heart!
At this time, Bai Jiujiu was squatting on the sofa bed, staring at the phone and waiting for a call from someone.

(End of this chapter)

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