kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 435 Willingly for her!

Chapter 435 Willingly for her!
The phone vibrated, and Bai Jiujiu immediately opened it to see that it wasn't him, and the lights in his eyes went out with joy.

Just click and listen.

"As long as, as long as you give, give 500 million, I will, I won't bother you for a long time."

"Never see each other again?"

"Never see each other again!"

This voice, Bai Jiujiu can naturally hear, is Bai Xinlin's voice.

And the other voice was Iselan.

See you no more?

I heard this means that Mom sold her for 500 million?

Bai Jiujiu suddenly laughed out loud, very crazy.

Ying Bao, who was watching from the side, said worriedly: "Jiu Bao..."

"Leave me alone..." The voice was hoarse due to depression.

Ying Bao wanted to go forward but was held back by Lan Feiang, pulling her out.

"Uncle, my mother sold me for 500 million to Yi Xuelan, hehe, so I am so valuable, 500 million..." Bai Jiujiu laughed, tears falling silently like pearls.

Bai Jiujiu clenched her phone tightly. This night reminded her of how helpless she was in the hospital at first, and there was only one person who could ask for help.

"I miss you, uncle..."

Perhaps it was at that time that Lu Sichen had already quietly entered her heart.

Or maybe it was already emotional at that time and I didn't know it.

Bai Jiujiu finally called Lu Sichen over and over again, hoping to get his comfort and encouragement.

But on the other side of the phone, there was only a mechanical voice repeating over and over again.

"Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

That night, Bai Jiujiu called all night but never got any response, until he became disheartened.

Elsewhere, the situation on Lu Sichen's side was extremely pessimistic.

His cell phone was out of battery, and Mr. Lu was still undergoing surgery, which had been going on for almost ten hours. In the end, the rescue failed, and only a moment of waking up was exchanged.

It looked like a flash of light.

"Chen'er, come here." Old Master Lu waved to Lu Sichen, and Lu Sichen held his trembling hand tightly in his palm.

"Old man, I'm here." Lu Sichen's tone was still cold, but there was an imperceptible tremor.

"Promise me, you are not allowed to marry Bai Jiujiu in this life, otherwise our Lu family will have no descendants!" Old Master Lu looked at Lu Sichen with an extremely serious and firm tone, making Lu Sichen swear poisonously!

"Promise me!" Mr. Lu was out of breath and very emotional.

"I... can't." Lu Sichen directly refused.

Mr. Lu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood!

Lu's mother knelt on the ground anxiously and begged Lu Sichen, crying: "Chen'er, do you have to make that woman angry at the old man? The old man has only his last breath left, can't you agree?"

Lu Weijiang directly slapped Lu Sichen and said angrily, "For that woman, do you want Mr. Lu to die for no apparent reason?"

Old Man Lu grabbed Lu Sichen's sleeve tightly, spitting out blood and staining Lu Sichen's clothes, like manjus, beautiful, weird, sad, and desolate.

That look, that tone remained silent, as if Lu Sichen refused to agree to him.

He will never close his eyes.

"Chen'er! I beg you!" Mother Lu kowtowed!
Lu Weijiang slapped Lu Sichen in the face again, "You unfilial son! Are you worth doing this for a woman?!"

Lu Sichen lowered his long eyelashes, no one could clearly see his emotions at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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