kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 437 I Can't Provoke You, Get Out!

Chapter 437 I Can't Provoke You, Get Out!

He also said these three words to the old man just now, and the retribution is not good, and it has come to him so soon!
Lu Sichen let go of his hand and walked into the rainstorm.

Bai Jiujiu opened his eyes and looked at Lu Sichen's back, gritted his teeth, and closed the door in hatred!

Tears swirled.

I'm sorry, uncle, I know you are in a difficult situation, but I really don't want you to face such a difficult choice.

With you, I always want to rely on you.

With you, my whole body is weak and unable to be strong.

I hate myself for being like this!
But with my fate, I can't be weak!cannot!

Bai Jiujiu bit his lips tightly, choking on sobs to prevent himself from crying.

Every time Lu Sichen took a step, his chest hurt a little. This kind of pain made him sweat coldly, but was wet by the rain.


Lu Sichen's suppressed liquid uncontrollably spit out a mouthful of blood.

The tall figure fainted directly on the ground.

The rain hit him, and he had never felt so cold before.

Sure enough, he is not suitable for white, such a holy color.

Lu Sichen slowly closed his eyes.

"Big brother!"

"Master Lu!"

Lan Feiang didn't expect to see Lu Sichen lying in blood when he came back with Yingbao.

"What's going on here? Young Master Lu must be dead!" Ying Bao said anxiously.

"Damn! Shut your crow's mouth! I have to take him to the hospital immediately!" Lan Feiang carried Lu Sichen to the hospital.

Ying Bao hurried back to tell Bai Jiujiu about it.

"It's been a while, Young Master Lu, something happened to Young Master Lu!" Ying Bao panted.

Bai Jiujiu squatted there weakly, as if he was not interested in anything, "Yeah."

Ying Bao became angry when he saw it, and stepped forward to hold Bai Jiujiu's shoulder tightly, "What are you, didn't you hear me? I said that Young Master Lu was injured and bleeding! He's about to die!"

"What!" Bai Jiujiu suddenly woke up when he heard the word death, "Who do you think is dying!"

"Young Master Lu..." Before Ying Bao finished speaking, Bai Jiujiu immediately grabbed Ying Bao and said, "Hurry up, go to the hospital!"

When Bai Jiujiu arrived, Lu Sichen was in the middle of the operation.

The awakened Mother Lu saw Bai Jiujiu, and slapped him in the face!

"You scourge, my son went to see you, vomited blood all over and came back to the emergency room. If something happens to Bai Jiujiu, I will never let you go! Absolutely not!" Mother Lu was so angry He wanted to continue fighting but was stopped by Lu Weijiang.

"Calm down. The doctor said that you just woke up and you can't get angry. It's not good for your health. If you collapse, who will take care of Chen'er." Lu Weijiang comforted.

"Yes, you are right, you drive this woman away quickly, I don't want to see her, she is a disaster, she is here to harm our Lu family, drive her away, quickly!" Mother Lu pushed Lu Wei Jiang Dao.

Lu Weijiang walked towards Bai Jiujiu, Ying Bao immediately stood in front of Bai Jiujiu, "You, what do you want to do!"

Bai Jiujiu pushed Yingbao away and said to Lu Weijiang, "Uncle Lu, I just want to know how uncle is doing. When he is all right, I will leave, far away."

"No need, Chen'er would rather go against my father's will to be with you. He went to see you, but you made him vomit blood with anger, which shows how cruel your heart is!"

Bai Jiujiu was stunned, "What did you say?"

Lu Weijiang frowned, "Isn't what I said clear enough? The old man made him swear, but he chose you and went to find you, but you vomited blood from his wounds!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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