Chapter 438

"You need to know how strong Chen'er's endurance is! You can hurt him to the point where he vomits blood, heh, Bai Jiujiu, you are really good enough, our family Chen'er can't offend you, get out! Get out as far away as possible! In the future Don't let Chen'er see you again!"

"No, it's not like this, it's not like this..." Bai Jiujiu shook his head, she didn't want to hurt uncle, "It's not like this."

"I won't go, I won't go, uncle won't wake up, I won't go anywhere, I won't go!" Bai Jiujiu squatted directly beside the operating room.

"You two, pull her down!" Lu Weijiang said to Lu Sichen's bodyguard.

The bodyguard looked at each other and hesitated, she is Young Master Lu's woman, this...

"What are you looking at! If you don't pull her down, get out!" Lu Weijiang said angrily.

"Don't...don't...I won't go...I want to see uncle!" Bai Jiujiu held on to the doorknob tightly.

Ying Bao looked anxious, and said to Lan Feiang, "Hurry up and think of a way."

Lan Feiang was naturally angry for a long time, but the big brother probably didn't want to see the trouble like this.

Lan Feiang stood up and stopped him, "Uncle Lu, this is a hospital, we'd better not make a big fuss, let her stay if she wants to stay."

Lu Weijiang glanced at Lan Feiang, "Okay, I'll let her stay for your sake, but if she wants to get closer to Chen'er, there is no way!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't cry or make trouble, but just waited quietly.

Ying Bao wanted to persuade him to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only quietly accompany him.

At this time, Bai Jiujiu felt remorse, self-blame, and hatred in his heart.

If she knew this, she would regret it to death!
She treated the uncle like that just now, obviously he has already begged her all the time.

She would never do this if she could turn back time!

But now everything has been posted, and nothing can be changed.

She just wants uncle to be safe now.

At this moment, every minute and every second is extremely difficult for Bai Jiujiu.

"Uncle, you must have nothing to do, otherwise I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life."

Bai Jiujiu clasped her hands together and prayed silently in her heart. She was not superstitious, but now she didn't know what else to do besides this.


The lights in the operating room went out, and the doctors were mobbed as soon as they came out.

"How is my son?"

"Is my brother okay?"

"Is Chen'er awake?"

But Bai Jiujiu didn't dare to rush forward, but stared at the doctor's mouth.

"The patient is fine, but he just had an operation and needs a good rest."

The doctor's words were like a moment's reassurance, and everyone present was relieved.

"No, I'm worried about the hospital, I'd better take Chen'er home to take care of her." Mother Lu said to Lu Weijiang.

Lu Weijiang nodded in agreement.

Bai Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat, if she brought it back to Lu's house, she would never want to see uncle again!

Bai Jiujiu pulled Lan Feiang's sleeve and looked at him with help-seeking eyes.

Lan Feiang sighed, "Forget it, Lord help you once, next time you dare to hurt big brother, I will be the first to let you go!"

Lan Feiang stepped forward and said to Lu's mother: "Aunt Lu, the elder brother is weak just after the operation, and it is not easy to move around, so let him rest in the hospital for a few days before going back.

Moreover, there are still many things that need to be taken care of by you and Uncle Lu after Mr. Lu's death. In case you fall ill due to busy work, it's not a big deal. In this way, I will stay with eldest brother.

Lu's mother thought it was reasonable, she must not fall down at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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