kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 439 Who Allowed You To Touch Me?

Chapter 439 Who Allowed You To Touch Me?

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Fei Ang." Mother Lu knew that Fei Ang and Chen'er had a very good relationship, so she was very relieved.

"But..." Mother Lu gave Bai Jiujiu a hard look, "This woman is not allowed to see Chen'er again in the future!"

"Yes, yes." Lan Feiang nodded quickly.

Mother Lu glanced at Lu Weijiang with a complicated expression, and left without saying a last word.

Feeling guilty, Lu Weijiang followed Lu's mother silently, but he made up his mind that he would not leave this marriage, no matter what Yanmei decided.

He has her in his heart.

It's just that the scar from before is still there, and he can't forget it.

Sitting in front of Lu Sichen's hospital bed, Bai Jiujiu tightly held Lu Sichen's big hand with his fingers, and pressed his hand to her face.

"Uncle, I was wrong, it was my fault, I will not mention those two words again, I understand, I understand everything."

Lan Feiang and Ying Bao sat aside and watched without saying a word.

"Tell me, is this Bai Jiujiu trying to die?
My elder brother is so kind to her, but he vomited blood so much, it's amazing, it's amazing. "

How could Yingbao not hear the irony in Lan Feiang's words.

"Heh, how many women can stand your elder brother's yin and yang temper?

You are looking at it from your point of view, and you think so. After all, the bystanders are the fans of the authorities, so don't stand and talk without pain in your back.

If you are in Bai Jiujiu's encounter, you will understand why she made such a decision. "

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu, "However, this is also good. After going through so much, I can see the relationship between each other more clearly. I don't think there will be anything that can separate them in the future."

There was a hint of envy in that tone.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu saw Lu Sichen's eyelashes trembling like butterfly wings, which seemed to be a sign of waking up.

Lu Sichen suddenly opened his eyes, and Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen.

"Great, uncle, you finally woke up!"

"Who are you?" The familiar cold voice didn't have the delicate gentleness of the past, but it was icy cold.

It can make people's heart freeze instantly, piercing cold to the bone.

"Uncle, don't you recognize me?" Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen, she was very familiar with those cold eyes.

It was like this when we met for the first time, transparent and cold.

"Don't touch me." The tone was full of disgust, as cold as ice.

Bai Jiujiu's body was stiff, and he was pushed away by Lu Sichen before he could react.

"Who gave you permission to touch me!"

Bai Jiujiu never expected that Lu Sichen would push her away, and was pushed back a few steps and sat on the ground.

The whole thing was dumbfounded.

"Jiu Bao!" Ying Bao walked over immediately, helped Jiu Bao up, and said to Lu Sichen, "Young Master Lu, I know Jiu Bao made you angry, but she really knew she was wrong, you don't need to treat her like this Bar."

"What's none of your business?" Lu Sichen's cold words choked Ying Bao to death.

"Brother, are you okay?" Lan Feiang stepped forward, he knew that Lu Sichen would be angry, but he had never thought of such unfeeling.

"It's just right for you to be here, drive these two people out." Lu Sichen rubbed his forehead, his brows furrowed, and his head ached.

"Uh...Brother, she is Bai Jiujiu, are you sure you really want to drive her away?" Lan Feiang asked tentatively.

Lu Sichen looked at Lan Feiang coldly, his tone was cold and impatient.

"When did you see me making a joke? I don't know these two people at all. Don't bring a woman to test me next time, or don't blame me for turning my face."

(End of this chapter)

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