kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 505 It's too sweet to make you sick!

Chapter 505 It's too sweet to make you sick!

"Remember not to take it off at any time in the future. With it, I will find you no matter where you are at the end of the world or at the end of the world."

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Jiujiu's eyes, "So powerful? I really want to try."

Lu Sichen looked a little serious, "I would rather not have this happen in the future."

Sensing Lu Sichen's sullenness, Bai Jiujiu immediately changed the topic.

"Thank you uncle, I like this ring."

One sentence, two words like like, immediately turned Lu Sichen's mood from cloudy to sunny.

"As long as you like it."

But Lu Sichen was in the midst of sweetness, and forgot to explain one thing, causing Bai Jiujiu to suffer a lot later.

There is a lot of affection here, but Yi Xuelan's side is not very comfortable.

"Sister Yun, what made you call me here in such a hurry." Yi Xuelan just rushed from the film crew to the cafe box where she met Yun Manni.

Yun Manni gave Yi Xuelan a cold look, "You still have the nerve to ask me? Don't you know what you have done yourself?"

Yi Xuelan already knew that she had failed in ordering someone to kill Bai Jiujiu, and she also knew that fire could not be covered with paper, and Yun Manni would find out sooner or later.

Yi Xuelan admitted generously, "Sister Yun, don't you always hate Bai Jiujiu and want to kill her? I'm helping you too."

"Help me? Do you know that you almost killed me? It's fine if you let someone kill Bai Jiujiu, but you still want to assassinate Lu Sichen? Do you think your own life is long, or mine, or do you want to procrastinate?" I go into the water?"

Yi Xuelan explained: "No, it's not what you think, Sister Yun. At that time, I didn't know that Young Master Lu would be with Bai Jiujiu. If I knew, I wouldn't be like this."

"I don't want you to spoil me like this. I'm giving you my brother. After all, he is our brother. My father said that you must pay Yixuelan according to the market price."

Yi Xuelan didn't expect Yun Manni to say that, "But didn't you tell them to listen to me?"

"I did, but I didn't ask you to let them go to die!" Yun Manni lit a cigarette and exhaled white mist before saying, "I said earlier that I want you to wait for the time because I am too anxious.

It's not that I don't care about people, my father has already intervened, if you don't want to die, immediately transfer the money to this account, otherwise even I can't protect you. "

Yun Manni spit a puff of white smoke at Yi Xuelan, causing her to cough continuously.

"I know that Bai Jiujiu and Lan Tianhong have gotten very close recently, are you confused by emotions? Sometimes you don't have to use a gun to kill people, there are many ways."

Yi Xuelan coughed because of the choking, and after hearing Yun Manni's words after coughing, she realized that what she said made sense.

"In a few days, you and Bai Jiujiu will play against each other, and it will still be outside on the mountain. This is a good opportunity, take advantage of it."

Yun Manni patted Yi Xuelan's shoulders a few times.

She was really confused by Bai Jiujiu's anger, and she had a plan.

Doesn't Bai Jiujiu value love and righteousness?She could take advantage of that.


The next day, the crew was in the studio on location.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the ring on his hand, with a sweet smile rippling from the corner of his mouth from time to time, which made Ying Bao beside him get goosebumps.

He poked Ai Yehe beside him with his elbow, "Sister Ai, do you think something is wrong with Ying Bao today?"

"Short oil, isn't it Sichun?" Ai Yehe adjusted his dress in front of the mirror, it was perfect!

Looking at the ring on his hand, Bai Jiujiu was really thinking about others.

(End of this chapter)

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