kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 506 The plan failed

Chapter 506 The plan failed
The uncle forgave her, all this seemed like a dream, and the beauty made her feel a little unreal.

Just as his thoughts were flying wildly but he didn't expect to be hugged suddenly, Bai Jiujiu subconsciously slapped him and was held tightly by Lan Tianhong.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but I'm getting better at it." Lan Tianhong's gentle voice sounded.

It wasn't the result of Lu Sichen training her at night, which made her back sore and backache, but thinking that it fits the temperament of her current role, she didn't complain.

After what happened last time, I realized that a little bit of self-protection ability is quite good.

Bai Jiujiu pulled out his hand and ignored Lan Tianhong.

There was no displeasure on Lan Tianhong's face, "Are you blaming me for proposing marriage to you?"

Bai Jiujiu frowned when he heard the word marriage proposal, but he didn't feel too embarrassed when he thought that he and Lu Sichen could not do without his credit.

"I already have my own heart." Bai Jiujiu showed the ring on his hand, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you, if it weren't for you, I think uncle and I might still be in a cold war .”

"..." Lan Tianhong didn't expect that he would push him instead. He originally thought that Lu Sichen's temper would only make Bai Jiujiu more sad, so he could take advantage of it.

But he didn't expect his plan to fall through.

"Could it be that you lived and died together last night, after experiencing a shooting, Lu Sichen showed his sincerity?"

A trace of surprise flashed across Bai Jiujiu's face, "How do you know?"

Lan Tianhong said disapprovingly: "My younger brother is in the new world, what can be hidden from me?"

Ying Bao, who was watching the play at the side, heard what Lan Tianhong said, and immediately grabbed Ai Yehe's hand and asked, "Shot? What shot?"

Ai Yehe said: "Yesterday, Bai Jiujiu and Lu Shao were chased and killed. Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu is fine, and Lu Shao was only shot."

Otherwise, how could he sit here with nothing to do today.

Ying Bao was so surprised that his mouth formed an O, "Jiu Bao, you didn't tell me about such a big thing!"

Bai Jiujiu was about to say something but was interrupted by Ai Yehe.

"Aiyou, what's the use of telling you? You can't help but worry in vain!" Ai Yehe said casually, but it hit Ying Bao's sensitive point.

Ying Bao lowered her eyes, she really couldn't help.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not fine now."

The director yelled to get ready, Bai Jiujiu sensed that something was wrong with Ying Bao, so he had no choice but to talk to her after the performance.

Ai Yehe followed Bai Jiujiu closely, but Young Master Lu was desperate and had to protect him every step of the way.

Ying Bao said to himself: "I'm so useless, can't I help at all?"

There was a trace of grievance and sadness in his tone.

Lan Tianhong glanced at Ying Bao, seemingly intentionally, but also unintentionally said: "If you want to put Bai Jiujiu to death, I'm afraid that person must have a deep hatred with Bai Jiujiu to do so."

Deep hatred?Ying Bao thought of something, and immediately asked: "Yixuelan seems to have her role today, where is she?"

Lan Tianhong pointed in a direction.

Ying Bao walked over immediately, no matter what, she would express her anger for Jiu Bao!

After Bai Jiujiu and Yi Xuelan finished their last scene, the director asked him to take a rest before heading to the next shooting location.

Bai Jiujiu took the water from Ai Yehe, and after taking a sip, he realized something was wrong, and looked around, "Where's Ying Bao?"

 PS: The update is completed today, thank you for your support, cute!

(End of this chapter)

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