Chapter 508
Having said that, Yi Xuelan stepped forward but did not help each other.

Bai Jiujiu got up and stared at Yi Xuelan, "Now tell me where she is going."

Yi Xuelan still looked confused, "I don't know, but she seems to be running in that direction."

Bai Jiujiu didn't doubt him, she was worried about what Yi Xuelan said to Ying Bao, so she ran towards the direction Yi Xuelan pointed.

Ai Yehe followed behind her, but on the way, he met someone and started a fight with him. The other party delayed him for a few minutes, and then left without wanting to fight.

When Ai Yehe wanted to chase after him again, Bai Jiujiu was nowhere to be seen, and he lost track.

Oops!be cheated!

Ai Yehe immediately dialed Bai Jiujiu's mobile phone, but found that there was no signal.

This made Ai Yehe drenched in cold sweat, and lost him under his nose, how can he explain this to the boss!
Fortunately, Ai Yehe had learned the tracking technique, and based on the footprints and information left at the scene, he immediately pursued it.

Seeing someone tied up and sitting by the tree not far away, he was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu is fine, otherwise, he would have died in fact.

After unbinding, Ai Yehe discovered that it was not Bai Jiujiu but Lin Liying.

Tear off the tape from Lin Liying's mouth, and patted her face, "Wake up, wake up!"

Ying Bao wakes up in a daze.

"You are here, where is Bai Jiujiu? Didn't you see her?"

Ying Bao touched his head subconsciously, it hurt so much, as if he had been knocked out.

"I don't know. I just felt a headache and passed out. When I woke up, I saw you." Ying Bao was still a little dizzy, recalling Ai Yehe's words and immediately asked: "What did you just say? What happened to Jiu Bao!"

"Bai Jiujiu knew that you were looking for Yi Xuelan, and Yi Xuelan told Bai Jiujiu that you ran this way, so she came to look for you.

I followed her, accidentally lost, and only found you! "

"I really went to settle accounts with Yi Xuelan, but I was knocked out before I saw her, and I didn't know anything after that." Ying Bao touched the back of her head, which seemed to be still swollen.

Ai Yehe was completely sure that someone set up this trap!

He was extremely entangled, so after thinking about it, he decided to inform Young Master Lu, otherwise, he couldn't afford anything if something happened to Bai Jiujiu.

And, on the other side.

Bai Jiujiu saw Ying Bao's figure, ran after him and shouted, "Ying Bao, stop, don't run away! You can tell me anything!"

After running for a short distance, Bai Jiujiu gradually regained his sanity.

Ying Bao will not ignore her and keep running!
Couldn't help but stop.

Bai Jiujiu heard a voice behind him, turned his face away, and before he could see clearly, he was pushed violently.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that there was a trap covered by leaves under his feet.

The whole person fell straight into the trap, and at the moment of coma, Bai Jiujiu murmured, "Ying... Bao..."

Bai Jiujiu is missing!

The news exploded in the crew, and everyone was ready to search for Bai Jiujiu, and some people blamed her while searching.

"It's okay, what is missing and running around, it's all right now, so we have to suffer with her."

"That's right, who does she think she is, the whole crew wasted time because of her!"

"I heard that she scolded sister Yi for her assistant before. She is not well-known, but she has a big temper. She takes herself too seriously."

"Yeah, a newcomer, what's the big deal, no matter how good the acting is, it's useless to have a bad character."

The crew was quite resentful towards Bai Jiujiu.

(End of this chapter)

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