Chapter 509

Ying Bao's tears kept flowing, and she blamed herself, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's me that hurt Jiu Bao, it's all my fault."

Ai Yehe was already bored enough, but now Ying Baoli, who was comforting and crying, was even more disturbed.

"Short, if you know you're not good, just shut up and don't make any more trouble!"

Ying Bao was so frightened by Ai Yehe that he stopped crying.

Lan Tianhong immediately said: "Let's search separately, this is a mountainous area, it will be very dangerous at night."

"I'll go too!" Ying Bao said with red eyes.

"You, sit down! Don't find Bai Jiujiu when you lose it again, just stay here and wait for me, don't go anywhere." Ai Yehe had a rare anger on his face.

Ying Bao nodded aggrievedly, she knew that she was causing trouble for Jiu Bao again, and she obviously didn't want to do this either.

Ying Bao took out his mobile phone and couldn't help but send a text message to Huo Weiting.

Am I really that useless?
I held back the tears that flowed out, not letting myself cry, not letting myself cause trouble to others.

Huo Weiting glanced at the text message on his mobile phone and asked, where are you?
Ying Bao glanced at the screen, but didn't reply.

Even if he said so, he wouldn't care about her, so why bother.

Huo Weiting was disturbed by Ying Bao's text message, and called Ai Yehe again.

Ai Yehe told Huo Weiting about the matter, and knew that he was serious, so he said: "I guess she must be terribly guilty now, if something happens to Bai Jiujiu, maybe she will definitely commit suicide.

Look at your woman yourself. "

suicide?Ai Yehe frowned, asked for leave immediately, and rushed to the address left by Ai Yehe.

He couldn't care less about her after all.

The crew searched to no avail, and Lan Tianhong didn't expect that there was no trace of Bai Jiujiu at the location he had tracked before.

Ai Ye gave Lan Tianhong a blank look, "I thought you could find Bai Jiujiu, this is where I found Lin Liying."

"What?" Lan Tianhong immediately realized that Yi Xuelan had completely disrupted his plan.

He originally wanted to use the proposed marriage to stimulate Yi Xuelan and make Yi Xuelan hate Bai for a long time.

What he didn't expect was that Yi Xuelan was so angry that he wanted to kill Bai Jiujiu, so he had to wipe Yi Xuelan's ass and kill those people.

Immediately afterwards, she helped Yi Xuelan, knowing that Ying Bao had a straightforward personality and was easily impulsive, so she deliberately stimulated Ying Bao and pushed Ying Bao towards Yi Xuelan.

Next, he had already guessed that Yixuelan would naturally use Ying Bao to deal with Bai Jiujiu, and then saw her kidnap people into the woods.

The purpose is to stage a heroic rescue scene in front of Bai Jiujiu, so that she can change her view of herself.

Unexpectedly, the kidnapper was not Bai Jiujiu but Ying Bao.

This was beyond his expectation and beyond his control.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xuelan became smarter and knew how to set up a maze.

Even he didn't know where Bai Jiujiu was this time, which made Lan Tianhong a little worried about Bai Jiujiu's safety.

Thinking of this, Lan Tianhong couldn't help but startled, why did she care so much about Bai Jiujiu, she was just a pawn.

Chess players naturally cannot have any feelings for the chess pieces, otherwise they will be led away by the chess pieces, which will affect the outcome of the entire chessboard.

Bai Jiujiu is just his pawn.

Lan Tianhong persuaded himself in his heart.

At this time, there was a loud wind in the sky.

A helicopter is spinning in the sky and gradually lowering its altitude.

(End of this chapter)

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