Chapter 529

She used to watch TV and thought that if the two were true friends, they would never quarrel over a man, otherwise it would not be true friendship.

But today, Bai Jiujiu deeply realized that such a thing really happened.

Sure enough, if you haven't experienced it, you won't feel the suffering of others. It seems that Huo Weiting is right.

What happened to him that caused him to be like this.

Right now, Yingbao can only think about it quietly.

Some things can only be figured out by yourself, and it will be fine if you figure it out.

No one else can help.

As soon as Bai Jiujiu went out, she received a call from Secretary Wu, telling her to go back to the new world immediately.

When Bai Jiujiu rushed to the New World, she found that there were many reporters gathered at the door, so she had to enter through another employee passageway.

"What happened? Why are there so many reporters outside!" Bai Jiujiu asked as soon as he arrived at Lu Sichen's office.

Lu Sichen didn't answer, but just turned on a projector to show Bai Jiujiu the video of the reporter's live broadcast just now.

The projection on the wall immediately showed the picture clearly.

It was Yi Xuelan who was holding a press conference video.

"Excuse me, Miss Yi, why did you suddenly leave the new world?"

"Yeah, now that you're famous and leave like this, don't miss your old love, aren't you just a white-eyed wolf?"

"Why did you suddenly choose to join Lan's? Did they give you a higher price?"

"I heard that what happened to your unspoken rule director this morning? Did you get the leading roles in this way before?"

Yixuelan didn't answer any questions, tears were falling down that beautiful and delicate face, which made people feel pity and heartache.

Crazy questions ensue.

"Slow down, come one by one." The assistant next to Yixuelan said: "I am the assistant next to Yijie. I have been following Yijie. I know her situation in detail. I will answer for her what you just said. question."

Bai Jiujiu pointed to the assistant and asked, "Has she also left the new world with Yi Xuelan?"

Lu Sichen nodded.

Bai Jiujiu continued to look down.

"Our sister Yi has always done her best and fulfilled her responsibilities. I think her acting skills are obvious to all."

"As for the gossip you're hearing, it's impossible.

Everyone also knows that there are many people who are popular, and your false remarks are simply slander, be careful that we will sue that villain.

It is absolutely necessary for us to leave the new world and come to Lan's. In addition, it is not that our Miss Yi Xuelan abandoned the New World, but that the New World cannot accommodate our Miss Yi Xuelan.

That's all we have to say, thank you all! "

Afterwards, Yi Xuelan just shed tears silently without saying a word. Although the assistant's words did not slander, they gave people a lot of room for imagination and misleading to a certain extent.

"I can't stand it. These three words are obviously derogatory terms. It's no wonder so many reporters chase after New World to ask questions."

Bai Jiujiu sneered, Yixuelan's move was really clever, a victim appeared in front of everyone, she lightly exposed what happened this morning, and took the opportunity to slander New World.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Then what should we do now?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

The pen on Lu Sichen's finger kept turning, "We will also hold a press conference here to clarify the reasons for dismissing Yixuelan, and try to suppress this matter as much as possible to avoid further deterioration."

(End of this chapter)

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