Chapter 530
Bai Jiujiu nodded. For some reason, there was always a faint worry in his heart.

I always feel that this time is very tricky, and it is not so easy to solve.

Bai Jiujiu's intuition was verified in just one week, and the incident got out of hand. He still underestimated the power of Yi Xuelan's fans and fans, and the team's dedicated team to manage the scandal.

"It's not good, the BOSS website is full of news that slanders our new world, saying that the actors we forced had unspoken rules and all kinds of illegal behaviors. The police also received a report saying that they would investigate our company. They will come this afternoon. .”

"What! So serious!" Bai Jiujiu listened to Secretary Wu's words, his heart was beating violently, and he could not help but squeeze Lu Sichen's hand tightly.

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows, and held Bai Jiujiu tightly with his backhand, "It's okay, I didn't do anything, so they naturally have nothing to do with me."

"But..." People's words are scary!

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu and frowned, and pinched Bai Jiujiu's face, "Your vacation is almost over, hurry up and focus on your studies, and leave these matters to me.

You were in the top ten in the last exam. If you fail this time, I will spank you!Understand? "

Bai Jiujiu pulled away Lu Sichen's hand, his face turned slightly better, "I'm not a child."

However, the uncle is right, her main task now is to study, and she cannot be distracted by these things.

"Then you promise me, send me a text message to report the situation every day!"

"Yes, wife."

The word wife made Bai Jiujiu blush, "Who is your wife!"

"Whoever you say this word now!"

The two are affectionate, you and me.

From time to time, Secretary Wu was sprinkled with a mouthful of dog food, and his whole body shivered because of the sweetness.

Very sensible to leave, leaving space for the two of them to be alone.

Under Lu Sichen's arrangement, Bai Jiujiu sent Ai Yehe back to school. The tenderness in Lu Sichen's eyes immediately disappeared, leaving only a murderous and bloody look.

"Lan Tianhong, what you're trying to do is that it won't work!"

"What should I do now?" Secretary Wu thought that the boss had changed sex, after all, he was cold and robot-like before.

I never thought that BOSS would have such a side. I was surprised before but now I am no longer surprised.

Looking at it now, it is actually not the case, but because of Bai Jiujiu, the dark side of the boss is usually hidden.

"What should we do? Let's wait, it won't be the Golden Rooster Awards in another month?
Let her be proud for a while, let her experience the taste of falling from a high place. "

There was a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth.

Secretary Wu only felt a piercing chill attacking his whole body, limbs and bones.

Damn!Yixuelan is definitely doomed. If Mr. Lan comes back and finds out that the goddess he created has been destroyed like this, he will definitely vomit blood in anger.

Of course, the position of this goddess in Lu Sichen's mind is not worth mentioning.

Someone filmed the police entering Lu Sichen's company and taking Lu Sichen away for interrogation.

Ever since, the rumors spread more and more fiercely, some people thought that Lu Sichen was doomed, and there must be someone who made trouble.

Those who had a grudge against Lu Sichen all came over to step on him.

All of a sudden, Lu Sichen and Xinshijie were pushed to the cusp by public opinion!

Even when Bai Jiujiu returned to school, he could still hear these rumors.

So the Internet was divided into two factions, some were Yi Xuelan's fans, and some were Lu Sichen's fans.

However, Yixuelan obviously has more male fans, while Lu Sichen obviously has more female fans.

(End of this chapter)

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