kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 580 The Unexpected Guest

Chapter 580 The Unexpected Guest

"Didn't he indirectly help you dispel a lot of dead flowers and willows like this.

As for the woman my brother protects wanting to touch Bai Jiujiu, there must be some misunderstanding. I will definitely give you an explanation. "

"According to you, I have to thank him?"

"Hey, I don't need to thank you, big brother, but can you see my face and spare my brother for a while, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

Although Lan Feiang had a hippie smile on his face, his tone could be said to be pleading.

Lu Sichen tapped his fingers on the table, he really didn't want to embarrass Lan Feiang, after all, he was a brother.

"Okay, if he can hand over Yun Manni and Yi Xuelan to me, I will consider it."

A trace of joy flashed across Lan Feiang's face, "Thank you, big brother,'s getting late, I'll leave immediately, hehe."

Lan Feiang climbed down the wall three times, five times and two times, and he looked like a trained hand.

It's okay not to mention this, but when this is mentioned, Lu Sichen's eyes burned, and he took off a shoe and threw it at the back of Lan Feiang's head!

Back on the bed and just lying down, Bai Jiujiu hugged him like octopus, rubbed his face against his chest several times, and gradually relaxed the frown.

Lu Sichen seemed helpless and forbearing, kissed her forehead, closed his eyes tightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

The emptiness in his heart before was completely filled by Bai Jiujiu, as if his life was unexpectedly wonderful with her in his life.

In his black and white world, there is colorful light.

Bai Jiujiu, you never know how much I love you, I love you more than my life.

If possible, I would like to be with you forever.

Detention center.

Yimu squatted on the ground, looking at her hands stained with blood, with regret and fear on her face, she couldn't help murmuring.

"Lan Lan, where are you? Come save mom, come save mom."

But the only answer she had was the whining wind outside the window, which sounded shabby.

"Ding Hui, someone is watching you." The policeman opened the chain and said to the person: "Only 15 minutes."

Yimu looked up happily, "Lan Lan, I knew you wouldn't abandon me."

But when Yimu saw the person coming, she was astonished, "Who are you?"

"You really don't know me?"

Yimu heard this voice very strangely, but it seemed a little familiar when she listened carefully, and looked up and down.

The clothes on the woman in front of her looked like high-end goods, her face looked ten years younger than herself, and she was also very beautiful. She really couldn't think of such a person among her acquaintances.

"Are you ... Lan Lan's friend? Are you sent by Lan Lan to save me?"

The woman chuckled lightly and sneered, "Your daughter, come to save you? Hehe, don't think about it anymore, she is like a rat crossing the street and everyone is yelling and beating her, she ran away long ago, how could she come back to save you so stupidly?
As expected, like a mother, like a daughter, her heart is so vicious. "

Yimu heard the woman's sarcasm and hatred, and was a little annoyed, "Who the hell are you? Our mother and daughter don't have the time for outsiders to make irresponsible remarks!"

"Outsider?" The woman stared at Yimu, "Who said that we were sisters?"

(End of this chapter)

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