kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 581 You Ruined Everything About Me!

Chapter 581 You Ruined Everything About Me!
"Why, now I'm just an outsider in front of you?"

Yimu was shocked when she heard the woman say this, "Could it be that you are... no, it's impossible, how could you be her, she has been buried in flames? How could you be her! You and her have nothing to do with each other. picture!"

When the woman heard what Yimu said, her eyes were filled with hatred, "Yes, if you hadn't set a fire, how could I have died?

You would never have guessed that I survived, hehehe, thanks to you, am I now more beautiful than before after plastic surgery. "

Yimu ignored her words and asked instead: "He Li, did you come here today to see my joke?"

"Shut up, don't call me that name again, you don't know that your daughter Yi Xuelan had a relationship with my son Lan Tianhong?"

"What did you say?" Yimu was surprised, she didn't expect her daughter to hide it so well.

At this moment, she suddenly felt strange to her daughter, as if she had never really known her before.

Mother Lan was not surprised by her surprise at all, as if she knew it already, "Your daughter is really capable, if I hadn't asked Tianhong to chase her, I'm afraid she would have almost been with Lu Weijiang's son Lu Sichen."

Yimu knew nothing about this, but she had a keen sense of conspiracy, "Are you doing this to revenge me? Could it be... Could it be you, you made my daughter like this? You are the culprit!"

"Hehe, it seems that you are not stupid, but it is a pity that you know it too late!"

"No wonder, no wonder that on the day when Lu Sichen's family of three had a car accident, I just received a text message, so I happened to be at the scene, so, it turned out to be you!" Yimu pointed to Lanmu's face, "It turns out that you are behind the scenes Manipulating all this and pointing the evidence at me! You vicious woman!"

There was a sneer from the corner of Mother Lan's mouth, "That's right, I blamed you for the note left in the car accident, compared to being vicious, I'm not one-tenth of yours!

You ruined my happiness, ruined my appearance, and left me with nothing, so I have to let you learn these things! "

Listening to Lanmu's words, Yimu was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly grinned wildly.

"Hahahaha, if Lu Weijiang knows that the woman he once loved has become so vicious, I don't know what he will think, hahaha!"

"Shut up! I won't let him go. He said he loves me, but when I was hurt, he cheated on her behind my back and turned around to marry her. I want to take from you all the deception and shame I have suffered. recapture!"

Mother Lan turned around gracefully, "You can spend the rest of your life in prison!"

Seeing that Mother Lan was about to leave, Yimu rushed forward suddenly, biting Mother Lan's arm madly and bitterly!
"Ah!" Blue Mother screamed.

The police immediately came and pulled the two away.

Yimu bit hard, her mouth smelled of blood, "Hahaha, He Li, a deep-minded woman like you doesn't deserve Lu Weijiang's love at all, he never betrayed you!

I'm envious of his kindness to you, you don't deserve to be with him at all.

Fortunately, hahaha, fortunately you are not together, a woman like you is not worthy of happiness!Hahahahaha! "

Mother Lan looked at her wound, and then frowned slightly when she heard Yimu's words, only thinking that she was crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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