kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 582 She's Not Reconciled!

Chapter 582 She's Not Reconciled!

Mother Lan turned and left, but for some reason, she didn't feel any pleasure in revenge, but instead became more confused and irritable.

She used her son Lan Tianhong to fight against that woman's son Lu Sichen everywhere, just to prove that her son is better than that woman's son!
She wanted Lu Weijiang to regret that she didn't choose herself!

At the beginning, Yimu told her that she liked Lu Weijiang, had an argument with her, and pushed her to the ground. Her head hit the corner of the table and passed out. Yimu set fire to cover it up, and almost burned her to death!

If she hadn't been rescued by her current husband Lan Xuechang, she might have died in the fire, and when she woke up later, she heard the news of Lu Weijiang's marriage.

Hehe, all vows of eternal love are bullshit!
If it wasn't for him, how could I have been hurt so badly by Ding Hui, and finally fulfilled that woman!
It's just abominable!

Now she finally got rid of one, but why is her heart so uncomfortable?
In the room, Mother Lan was sitting on the bed in a daze, completely oblivious to anyone coming in.

"What happened to your hand?" Father Lan saw Mother Lan in a daze as soon as he entered the room, and noticed the bandaged wound on her hand.

Mother Lan was in a bad mood, "It's fine."

Father Lan didn't care, he took her hand gently, and examined it carefully, "Does it hurt?"

Blue Mother shook her head.

"I heard you went to the detention center today?"

Father Lan's casual words made Mother Lan's eyes immediately vigilant, "You sent someone to monitor me?"

"It's not supervision, it's protection. You should know how much I love you. How could I let you go to that place alone?"

Facing Lan's father's gentle and concerned eyes, Lan's mother remained silent.

"Things have passed for so many years, you should try to let go." Father Lan lamented.

Mother Lan said coldly, "Don't worry about my affairs."

Father Lan was completely hurt by these cold words, and his body was slightly stiff.

The atmosphere suddenly changed awkwardly.

Mother Lan realized that she was too indifferent, and also knew that Father Lan was infatuated with her, so she hugged Father Lan casually from behind, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it just now, I just, just..."

Father Lan sighed, "I know, how could I blame you."

Mother Lan was very moved by Father Lan's gentle tolerance, but it was only touching, without love.

"For so many years, thank you for tolerating my temper. You are so kind, I... don't deserve it."

Father Lan turned around, held Mother Lan's hand, hesitated for a while and said, "I'm not as good as you said, but people always make mistakes. If one day I make mistakes, will you forgive me?"

Mother Lan was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Don't tell me you have other women outside?"

The smile is a little stiff.

Father Lan laughed, "How is it possible, the only person I love from the beginning to the end is you."

Lan's mother blushed when Lan's father suddenly confessed.

"As long as it's not a big deal, I'll forgive you."

Father Lan's eyes dodged slightly, and the two leaned on each other.

"Promise me, will you try to let go of the hatred? You will only hurt yourself in the end."

"Okay, I'll try." Mother Lan agreed, but she had other plans in her heart.

give up?She is not reconciled!
Especially when she saw how Lu Weijiang and that woman were deeply in love, she would only be satisfied if she looked at him and that woman suffered the same pain as herself.

(End of this chapter)

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