Chapter 598

"You, you dare to hit me?"

Bai Jiujiu waved his hand, "Why didn't you dare to hit you? I told you not to go before, but you insisted on going. If it wasn't for me, you would have been rounded up a long time ago. How could you have the strength to teach me a lesson? If you lose your temper here again, I'm afraid the people behind will chase us and both of us will die!
It's up to you whether you want to die or live! "

After speaking, Bai Jiujiu left without looking back.

Jian Aiwei looked at Bai Jiujiu's resolute back, hesitated for a moment, and followed.

The crowd gradually increased, and passers-by pointed at Jane Aiwei.

Jane Ivy's clothes were tattered and stained with some blood, which made her hug her arms tightly, bit her lips, and still raised her head with a proud look.

Bai Jiujiu looked back, and finally took off his coat and put it on Jane Aiwei.

"You don't need to pity me!" Jane Aiwei unceremoniously planned to throw away her clothes.

"If you think it doesn't matter if your body is seen by these people, throw it away."

Jane Ivy: "..."

After walking for a long time, Bai Jiujiu turned around and looked at Jian Aiwei, "What have you been doing with me?"

"I, I, I just gave you all my money." Jane Aiwei suddenly felt that she was justified again, "You must serve Miss Ben!"

In Bai Jiujiu's eyes, Jane Aiwei is completely a spoiled child.

"I'll give you a room."

"I want a five-star hotel."

Bai Jiujiu tightly held the wallet in his hand, luckily he took her purse away, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't afford to support this young lady with princess disease.

The hotel attendant returned the card to Bai Jiujiu, "Sorry, your card has been frozen."

Bai Jiujiu: "..." This is already the fifth bank card, and there is no more card.

Jane Ivy didn't believe it, "How is it possible, do you know who I am? This card..." (Crackling, too long-winded, hundreds of words are omitted here.)
The waiter heard Jane Ivy's unreasonable troubles and said: "Sorry, miss, if you do this again, I will call the security guard."

Jane Aiwei immediately said angrily: "You are still called a security guard, believe it or not, I will demolish your hotel!"

Bai Jiujiu couldn't bear to see the truth, and dragged Jian Aiwei away before being driven out by the security guards.

"Let go, don't touch me!" Jane Aiwei lost her temper to Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu still smiled at Jane Aiwei with a good temper: "I will give you two choices, one is to listen to my arrangement, and the other is to part ways."

Jane Aiwei snorted coldly, "Who wants to listen to your arrangement!"

Bai Jiujiu nodded, "Okay, bye!"

Left without looking back.

Jian Aiwei saw that Bai Jiujiu really left as soon as he said it, and she was penniless, so she didn't know what to do, but it was impossible for her to ask for it again.

Jane Aiwei had no choice but to squat on the ground, wrapping tightly the coat left by Bai Jiujiu.

It was getting darker and darker, and she was a little scared and regretful.

Pedestrians on the road just glanced at it and hurried past.

Some people saw that she was pitiful and threw her a dollar coin.

This deeply hit Jane Aiwei's proud heart.

"Fuck you, I'm not a beggar!" After speaking, he threw a one-dollar coin at the man's face.

That face secretly cursed a word of insanity, and in the end even the passers-by hid far away.

Jane Aiwei doesn't care, but the more she pretends not to care, the more she cares.

Face on knees.

(End of this chapter)

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