Chapter 599
Not far away, Bai Jiujiu watched her elegantly drinking coffee through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It was as if for a moment she saw her shadow in Jane Aiwei.

poor person must have something mean.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Bai Jiujiu got up to pay the bill.

"Let's go." Bai Jiujiu walked in front of Jian Aiwei, without soft comforting words, no tired words, just softly whispered two words, but Jian Aiwei suddenly raised her head.

Just when Jane Aiwei was about to curse and vent her anger, she found that Bai Jiujiu was standing a meter away from her, with her back turned to her, and she was holding a handkerchief by surprise.

The gentleness of 'him' and the delicacy of 'him' made Jane Aiwei's heart beat violently twice.

Jane Aiwei clenched the tissue tightly, wiped away her tears, hesitated for a while before walking to Bai Jiujiu's side.

I didn't know what to say, so I had to keep silent.

Bai Jiujiu walked a few steps before speaking, "We don't have that much cash, we can't afford to live in a five-star hotel, and the people who hunted you down will definitely come to check you if you don't die, it's not safe to stay in a hotel.

If you trust me, I will arrange an accommodation for you, not as luxurious as a five-star hotel, but clean and comfortable, and you can live there safely. "

Jane Aiwei just hummed slightly after listening.

Bai Jiujiu raised his eyebrows, this time he is much more obedient and obedient than before, it seems that his temper has been smoothed a lot after this time.

Gradually, Bai Jiujiu found that Jane Aiwei's speed was getting slower and slower, thinking that her young lady had lost her temper again.

"What's wrong?" Bai Jiujiu's tone was not so good, she didn't want to spoil Jane Aiwei.

"No, nothing." Jane Aiwei gasped.

Bai Jiujiu wrinkled slightly, looked down and saw Jian Aiwei's swollen feet, the heels seemed to have fallen off, one high and one low.

Apparently a sprained foot.

This made Bai Jiujiu startled, she just walked like this?

Bai Jiujiu sighed, he was simply a spoiled and arrogant little princess.

Bai Jiujiu took off his shoes, "Put on mine."

Jane Aiwei didn't expect that the 'boy' in front of her didn't scold her, but instead gave her his shoes to wear, and her heart beat uncontrollably.

She couldn't help staring at Bai Jiujiu, he wasn't the burly man in her mind, he looked very handsome, and the more he looked at him, the more attractive he felt.

People can't help but believe her.

Seeing Jian Aiwei standing there staring at him in a daze, Bai Jiujiu didn't move, and asked in a bad tone: "Why do you still want me to let you wear it?"

When Jane Aiwei heard this, a blush flashed across her cheeks, "No, no, but you..."

Yo, it's rare that this young lady can still think about others.

Bai Jiujiu said softly, "It's okay, I'm a man with rough skin and thick flesh, so it's okay."

In fact, Bai Jiujiu was also holding on. Even though she was wearing a pair of black socks, she could still feel the cold air rising from the ground.

Jane Aiwei put on Bai Jiujiu's shoes, although they were a little bigger, they were very warm, just like the feeling that 'he' gave her.

It warmed my heart.

"Thank you." Jane Ivy thanked her.

Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything, but seeing Jane Aiwei's shy face, she knew that she had succeeded.

But not much joy, hey.

Why does she feel inexplicably guilty?
Obviously this woman in front of me is the woman who wants to kill her!
(End of this chapter)

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