Chapter 600

Bai Jiujiu shook off his wild thoughts, "Hurry up, it's easy to catch a cold late at night."

"Okay." Jane Aiwei stood beside Bai Jiujiu like a well-behaved little girl at this time, as if she felt good as long as 'he' said.

In front of the guest house, Ai Yehe waited anxiously. He and Bai Jiujiu had discussed that if they accidentally separated, they would gather here.

After waiting for a long time and still not seeing anyone, he was almost dying of anxiety!
If something happened to Bai Jiujiu, with his elder brother's temper, would he still be alive?
"Jiujiu..." Ai Yehe greeted Bai Jiujiu, but when he saw the person beside her, he immediately changed his words, "Why did you bring her?"

Jian Aiwei frowned when she heard Ai Yehe's questioning, and was about to lose her temper, but she glanced at Bai Jiujiu, and swallowed her words again.

She... doesn't want 'him' to hate her.

Bai Jiujiu said: "Go upstairs and tell me, it's cold."

Only then did Ai Yehe see that Bai Jiujiu was barefoot, even though he was wearing socks.

But his shoes were on Jane Ivy.

His eyes looked at the two of them, and he looked at Jian Aiwei, who was completely different from before. Something must have happened to the two of them, so I will ask them later.

Back in the room, Bai Jiujiu said to Jane Aiwei: "Take a good rest, I will ask the proprietress to send a box of medicine to your room later."

"Okay, thank you." Jane Ivy wanted to wash herself up immediately.

Men like pretty girls.

Ai Yehe's eyeballs almost fell out, and after Jian Aiwei left, he poked Bai Jiujiu with his elbow, "Short oil, I didn't expect you to be really capable, Miss Jian's heart was captured by you in such a short time? "

Bai Jiujiu gave Ai Yehe a white look, "You can make your voice louder so that everyone in the world can know."

Ai Yehe immediately coughed in embarrassment, he was so excited just now!
"Then what are you going to do next?"

"What can we do? Today you investigated what is going on? Is it their internal struggle?"

Ai Yehe looked around vigilantly, then lowered his voice and said: "It's from among them, probably Jian Aiwei's adoptive father, who knew that old man Jian was unwilling to pass on the seat to Jian Aiwei, so he tried to get rid of him."

Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly, "Then we're in for a big deal."

"He's not my father!" A delicate voice sounded from outside the door.

Bai Jiujiu: "..."

Ai Yehe: "..."

The two of them complained in their hearts at the same time, the sound insulation effect of this room is too bad.

Jane Aiwei knocked on the door, and Ai Yehe opened the door after Bai Jiujiu's gesture.

Jane Aiwei walked directly towards Bai Jiujiu, "Just ask me what you want to ask."

Direct enough!

Bai Jiujiu also bluntly said: "I'm sorry to investigate you, but right now I must ensure my own safety, to see if you are worth saving."

"Does that mean that if you are in danger, you will hand me over to that person?" Jian Aiwei looked directly at Bai Jiujiu, her eyes were a little expectant, but also a little threatening.

It seems that as long as Bai Jiujiu says yes, she will directly kill 'him'.

Bai Jiujiu showed a gentlemanly smile, and asked without answering, "If Miss Jian encountered this situation, would you push me out or save yourself?"

Jane Ivy was taken aback, she hadn't considered this question.

Ai Yehe couldn't help admiring Bai Jiujiu in his heart, such a dangerous problem was pushed away by him with a few tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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