kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 630 I'm Protecting My Woman

Chapter 630 I'm Protecting My Woman
"Sister, I've already given you presents, shouldn't you reciprocate?" Gu Xiuyi asked cheekily.

Seeing Gu Xiuyi's mischievous appearance, Bai Jiujiu sincerely regarded him as his younger brother: "What do you want? Explain in advance, I must have what I have."

"What you have, it's on you now." Gu Xiuyi stared at Bai Jiujiu.

"What?" Bai Jiujiu couldn't help clutching his ring tightly, he must not ask her for this ring, it was a wedding ring given to her by the uncle.

Gu Xiuyi pointed directly at the position of Bai Jiujiu's heart, "Your heart."

The air froze for a second in embarrassment.


Bai Jiujiu showed an embarrassed but still smile: "The wind was too strong just now, I didn't hear clearly. Yes, the wind was too strong, let's tighten the house quickly."

How could Gu Xiuyi let her slip away!

"Bai Jiujiu will be my woman."

"I am your sister."

"Sister can also be my woman."

"I don't like sibling love."

"In my eyes, you are much less mature than me, even more childish. I can give you everything you want, as long as you stay by my side and be my woman!"

Gu Xiuyi held Bai Jiujiu's shoulder tightly so that she could not escape.

Bai Jiujiu could see that Gu Xiuyi was serious, she really didn't want to hurt him, and she more or less extended her younger brother's affection towards him.

Maybe Gu Xiuyi was cruel to others, but he was indeed merciful to her.

But now she had to do this to make him have any misunderstandings.

Bai Jiujiu looks tough on the outside, but is actually soft on the inside. She doesn't want to hurt anyone who treats her well.

"Sorry, what you want is not on me. My heart has already been given to someone else, so I can't give it to you."

"I'll take it back!" After Gu Xiuyi finished speaking, he wanted to kiss Bai Jiujiu forcefully.

Bai Jiujiu resisted and wanted to push Gu Xiuyi away, but he didn't expect him to be surprisingly strong.

Seeing that his lips were about to touch his, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help calling out: "Uncle!"

Gu Xiuyi immediately took a few steps back, surprisingly fast.

Bai Jiujiu had a chance to catch his breath, and only then did he see a gunshot at the place where Gu Xiuyi was standing just now. If he hadn't escaped just now, he would have died a long time ago.

"Who!" The affectionate eyes just now changed to be extremely sharp, looking around like a cheetah.

"Do you dare to touch my woman?" Lu Sichen jumped down from the tree and landed firmly, with a handsome gesture.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu threw himself into Lu Sichen's arms excitedly, rubbing his small face against his chest, feeling his breath.

"Uncle, I miss you so much."

Seeing Bai Jiujiu's smile like this, Gu Xiuyi was stunned.

He had never seen such an infatuated look on Bai Jiujiu's face, as if Lu Sichen was the only one in the whole world in her eyes.

My heart was blocked and panicked.

After doing so much for her, doesn't she feel anything?
Lu Sichen directly patted Bai Jiujiu's head, "I miss you too."

The two love each other, and they only have eyes for themselves, so that others will be forced into a mouthful of dog food unintentionally.

Especially Gu Xiuyi, the taste is not good.

"Lu Sichen, I admire your ability and courage, but if you come today, don't even think about leaving." Gu Xiuyi pointed the gun directly at Lu Sichen's head.

Bai Jiujiu immediately stood in front of Lu Sichen: "No brother!"

Hearing that Bai Jiujiu was still willing to call him that, Gu Xiuyi struggled for a while and said, "As long as you go back with me, I will let him go this time."

(End of this chapter)

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