kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 631 Can't do it!

Chapter 631 Can't do it!

You must know that he and Lu Sichen have a sworn hatred, but for the sake of Bai Jiujiu, he is willing to let Lu Sichen go this time.

Lu Sichen put his arms around Bai Jiujiu's waist directly, and pressed her into his arms: "I won't let my woman protect me. Be good, don't be afraid, he can't hurt me."

"Really?" Gu Xiuyi shot Lu Sichen continuously, and Lu Sichen hid behind a pillar holding the bullets that Bai Jiujiu dodged.

Lu Sichen took out his pistol and said to Bai Jiujiu, "Hide here, don't come out."

"But..." Bai Jiujiu wanted to say that she would shoot too.

Lu Sichen stroked Bai Jiujiu's head, and said in an outrageously gentle tone, "Don't distract me."

Bai Jiujiu nodded, she knows how to measure, this is not the time for her to be brave.

Bai Jiujiu spat at Lu Sichen's mouth: "Be careful, for me, don't get hurt!"

"En." Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu's cheek and rushed out.

The shooting scene was even crueler than Bai Jiujiu imagined.

"Listen, kill Lu Sichen and don't hurt my sister!" Gu Xiuyi immediately issued an order.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the ruthless Gu Xiuyi with a complicated expression.

At this moment, she hoped that Lu Sichen would be fine, and at the same time, she also hoped that Gu Xiuyi would not die. This kind of contradictory thoughts were very entangled, and finally turned into a sigh at the corner of her mouth.

The strong smell of blood made Bai Jiujiu nauseous, and the people on the battlefield turned their eyes red, but when they saw it was Bai Jiujiu, the gun automatically turned to the other side.

She would love to stop it if she could.

Lu Sichen knew that it would not be easy to fight for a long time, and it must be his territory. If his men arrived, he might be at a disadvantage.

"Let's go!" Taking advantage of the confusion, Lu Sichen directly pulled Bai Jiujiu away first.

As for the red-eyed Gu Xiuyi, seeing the two fleeing, he directly snatched the gun from the person next to him.

He aimed at Lu Sichen, but Bai Jiujiu seemed to stand behind him intentionally or unintentionally.

What he can't get, he would rather destroy than let Lu Sichen get it.

Gu Xiuyi pointed the gun at Bai Jiujiu, as long as he gently pulled the trigger, she would surely die, his marksmanship has always been very accurate.

However, Gu Xiuyi didn't notice that the finger he was pulling was trembling slightly.

damn it!He should have the stupid idea of ​​being afraid.

Bai Jiujiu seemed to have a feeling in his heart, suddenly turned his face, and said a few words silently.

Gu Xiuyi saw the mouth shape clearly, and her words made his hands hang down feebly.

"Sorry, brother."

For the first time, he realized that it was the feeling of being unable to make a move.

Gu Xiuyi suddenly leaned his back against the wall, put his hands through his bangs, his brows were furrowed, he raised his head and laughed wildly, no one noticed a tear falling from the corner of his eyes.

He failed in this confrontation, but Lu Sichen, if you wait for me, I will never let it go.

Sister, you wait for me...

Lu Sichen escaped with Bai Jiujiu, got into the car and drove away.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu, who escaped from life and death, immediately ran into Lu Sichen's arms regardless of whether he was driving or not.

Fortunately, Lu Sichen's technique was good and his concentration was sufficient, the car returned to the right track after going through the S curve.

Bai Jiujiu greedily sucked the smell from his body for peace of mind, but fortunately the blood stained on his body was not his own, fortunately.

Bai Jiujiu hugged Lu Sichen tightly, she was afraid, afraid that if Lu Sichen died there, she would blame herself for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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