kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 685 You Did It On Purpose!

Chapter 685 You Did It On Purpose!

Bai Jiujiu's experience is there, she can't make up her mind about such a matter for a while, even if she finds Shao Zhaohua, it's useless, as Gu Xiuyi said, there is no evidence, everything is just her words, no one will believe it.

"You can stay by my side temporarily, but the scope is limited to my side. I will investigate this matter thoroughly, but I'm afraid yours..." Before Lu Sichen finished speaking, Ai Yehe called.

"It's not good, Boss, the Internet is full of news about selling cigarettes for a long time, Director Zhang just called me, that show may be changed..."

Before Ai Yehe could finish speaking, Lu Sichen hung up the phone directly.

The news was not that Lu Sichen didn't suppress it, but that it was true that the facts couldn't be suppressed.

"If you need, I..."

"No need." Bai Jiujiu directly refused, thinking that his tone was a little bit harder and then softer: "Uncle, I'm fine, if it were me, I wouldn't dare to cooperate with people with taints."

Bai Jiujiu said it was easy, but everyone could tell that she was not really easy.

Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu lightly on the forehead, he couldn't stay here for long, Bai Jiujiu's affairs were still waiting for him to deal with.

"I will return your innocence. You stay here for the time being. It's quieter here. I'll pick you up after I've dealt with the other side!"

Bai Jiujiu twitched the corner of his mouth, trying to force a smile to reassure Lu Sichen: "Yes."

She also needs time to calm down.

Lu Sichen glanced at Gu Xiuyi: "Protect her well."

After speaking, he hurried away.

Gu Xiuyi was dumbfounded when he saw Lu Sichen leave like this, he...just handed Bai Jiujiu to him and left?
What do you take him for?No babysitter?
Just as Gu Xiuyi wanted to say something to Bai Jiujiu, Bai Jiujiu got up and walked to a bedroom, the door closed with a click.

Come on, these ones are like uncles, obviously this is the house he just bought, his home is good!
Forget it, no one cared what he thought anyway.

Glancing at Bai Jiujiu inside the door, he was still a little worried.

Bai Jiujiu in the room felt that today was the most chaotic day she had ever lived, as if she fell from heaven to hell all of a sudden, everything went wrong.

There was a puff of breath in the chest, which was hard to dispel.

There was a light knock on the door.

Bai Jiujiu opened the door and saw no one. There was a plate of water and her mobile phone on the ground.

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth raised involuntarily, this kid is quite good at comforting people.

As soon as Bai Jiujiu turned on the phone, he received dozens of messages from Ying Bao, and dozens of missed calls.

Uh... She has to call this little girl quickly.

Just as he was about to dial, Ying Bao's phone rang.

"Where is Jiu Bao now, I'll come to you right away!"

As soon as Bai Jiujiu reported his address, Ying Bao immediately hung up the phone.


Bai Jiujiu has gotten used to Ying Bao's hot temper, and he doesn't know what this little girl has discovered.

Not long after, the door was knocked bang bang bang bang, which startled Gu Xiuyi.

Look through the cat's eyes.

A girl with a little baby fat face and a very grumpy look.

"Jubao, open the door!"

Kubo?Bai Jiujiu?

Called so affectionately.

Gu Xiuyi opened the door directly, Ying Bao glanced at the person who opened the door for her not Jiu Bao, but the person who took Bai Jiujiu away on the spot, Ying Bao pushed him away.

"Step aside!"

Gu Xiuyi did not expect that the girl's strength looked thin and small, but her explosive power was quite strong.

Aww, his boobs!

(End of this chapter)

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