Chapter 686

Ying Bao circled around, and there was no one in the hall, so he couldn't help but ask Gu Xiuyi: "Where's the person?"

Gu Xiuyi pointed to the door of the room.

Ying Bao stepped forward and kicked it away.

Gu Xiuyi was stunned, this, this, this, this woman is really rude!
He had never seen such a rude woman in his life.

Bai Jiujiu was changing clothes, when Ying Bao kicked him in such a way that it happened to be exposed to the eyes of the two of them.

Gu Xiuyi saw a smooth figure, but before he could look carefully, he was hit by a pillow.

Just heard the door slam!
Gu Xiuyi took off the pillow and saw Ying Bao righteously pointing at the bridge of his nose and said: "You pervert, what are you looking at, and I'll goug your eyes out!"

Gu Xiuyi: "..."

This woman is not only rude, but unreasonable!

How wronged he is!

Bai Jiujiu came out after changing his clothes, and when he heard Ying Bao's scolding, he couldn't help but reward her with a chestnut: "Speaking of others, who just pushed the door open without knocking?"

Luckily she just had her back to the door.

Ying Bao pouted, with an innocent face: "Jiu Bao, he is also impatient, don't worry, he definitely just took a glance and didn't see the whole thing, I covered it!"

Bai Jiujiu supported his forehead: "Tell me, why did you come to see me?"

Only then did Ying Bao realize that he had business to do.

"Wei Ting said you're fine, and you're really fine." Ying Bao looked Bai Jiujiu up and down and said with a smile.

Looking at Ying Bao's happy face, Bai Jiujiu couldn't help joking, "You came here to show your affection in front of me?"

Ying Bao shook his head and said with a serious face: "Of course not, it's about your Mr. Lu!"


"Do you know who I met at dinner? It's Lu Sichen from your family. He ate with a recently popular ape called something!"

ape?Ape... Fate?

"Tai Yuan?"

"That's right, that's her! She also said that she looks somewhat similar to you, hmph, how can this kind of thing compare to you."


Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu with a look of indifference, so angry!

"You think I can't lie to you?" Ying Bao stood up holding Bai Jiujiu's hand, and slapped Gu Xiuyi on the shoulder boldly: "Brother, drive us to catch the traitor!"

When Gu Xiuyi heard about the rape, his eyes flickered slightly: "Let's go!"

Don't care about Yingbao's rudeness to him before.

Seeing the two people so excited, Jiu Bao didn't want to interrupt, so he picked up a scarf and went out.

After all, she is still on the hot search, so she can't be so blatant.

The three of them came to the restaurant and sat at the seats designated by Ying Bao, from this angle they could just see Lu Sichen's table.

Looking around, it seemed that Lu Sichen and Jiang Yuanyuan were indeed sitting together, but they were sitting face to face.

The corner of Gu Xiuyi's mouth twitched slightly and he glanced sideways at Yingbao: "Is this what you mean by catching rape?"

"That's right, look at that woman's eyes are almost on him!" The more Ying Bao watched, the more she felt that this 'ape' acted, and her whole body was sending out courtship signals!

Gu Xiuyi was speechless, and glared at Ying Bao angrily with an evil look like I believe in you.

Thinking that he followed him again.

There is nowhere to vent your anger!
Listening to the conversation between the two, Bai Jiujiu almost laughed out loud.

She knew that Ying Bao was dazed and cute, but she didn't expect Gu Xiuyi to follow her rhythm.

People who usually look smart are also led astray by Yingbao.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Bai Jiujiu was about to leave, but was stopped by Ying Bao.

"What are you afraid of, go straight up and strangle this vixen!"

(End of this chapter)

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