Chapter 893

I don't know how long it has passed, so long that Bai Jiujiu's eyelids are fighting, maybe it feels so comfortable to be attached to him, Bai Jiujiu fell asleep unknowingly.

The emotion hidden in Lu Sichen's dark eyes has gradually faded away, and he has returned to the cold calm of the past.

Looking down, he saw that Bai Jiujiu was asleep, and he was still breathing softly. The corners of Lu Sichen's mouth were slightly curved, and the gloom before was swept away. Such a handsome and bright appearance is enough to make every woman and girl's heart burst.

It's good to have you, my long time.

Lu Sichen's mood has recovered, so naturally he won't leave mother Lu to face it alone. In fact, sometimes it is more useful to comfort and accompany quietly than to persuade.

Especially in front of powerful people, this kind of people probably need more companionship.

Lu Sichen felt that Bai Jiujiu understood him. At that time, he didn't need words to comfort him, his company was enough.

Lu Sichen put a kiss on Bai Jiujiu's lips, little guy, I can't live without you more and more.


On the other side, Lan Feiang carried Ying Bao into the hotel, put her directly on the sofa, and said, "Since you're awake, don't pretend to be asleep."

Hearing what Lan Feiang said, Ying Bao opened his eyes with moist eyes, squatted on the sofa, buried his head on his arms, and said nothing.

Lan Feiang saw Ying Bao, who was so depressed, knocked her head: "Come on, girl, give me a smile!"

"Smile!" Ying Bao grabbed the pillow and hit Lan Feiang directly. Lan Feiang dodged his mouth and was very proud, making a face at Yingbao: "You can't hit it, you can't hit it!"

Ying Bao got angry when he saw it, and chased after him to fight, "You wait for me!"

Lan Feiang fell on purpose and fell on the sofa. Seeing this, Ying Bao slapped Lan Feiang's face hard with a pillow!
Lan Feiang has always paid the most attention to his handsome face, but this time he didn't protect his face, but let Ying Bao beat him firmly.

Ying Bao looked at Lan Feiang without resisting, and looked at her with a smile, that handsome and inexplicably warm smile, like the sun lightly falling on the earth, bright but not glaring.

Looking at her with such a smile is simply committing a crime!

Ying Bao couldn't fight anymore, and threw the pillow directly to Lan Feiang: "Don't make me laugh like that, be careful I beat you up!"

Lan Feiang grabbed the pillow handsomely with one hand and looked at her with a half-smile: "It's so good, I was so lifeless before, I didn't like seeing it!"

Ying Bao was taken aback for a moment, he just did this on purpose to make her happy?
"Thank you, thank you..." Ying Bao's appearance is a bit twisted, but in Lan Feiang's eyes, this appearance is a bit cute.

"No need." Lan Feiang poked Ying Bao's forehead: "Come and tell me, what's the matter with you and Huo Weiting? Why are you with Han Menglan?"

When Ying Bao heard Lan Feiang's question, he grabbed the corner of his clothes with his fingers and subconsciously said, "Brother Wei Ting and I..."

As soon as this title was mentioned, Ying Bao couldn't help frowning, habit might be a terrible thing.

"Before answering your question, I want to ask you, does Han Menglan like you?"

Lan Feiang didn't expect Ying Bao to ask such a question at all, and scratched his head with his fingers, "She did confess her love to Master, but Master rejected her."

"How did you refuse?"


Lan Feiang smiled a little awkwardly: "Yes, that's right, I said, I like it, I like it, I like you! Then I rejected her, that's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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