kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 894 The culprit

Chapter 894 The culprit
"You like me?" Ying Bao didn't expect to be pushed out by a certain man as a shield. No wonder, no wonder that Han Menglan always looks at her with hatred. It turns out that the culprit is this guy!

Ying Bao gave Lan Feiang a hard look.

Sensing Yingbao's anger, Lan Feiang laughed dryly: "Speak well if you have something to say."

"So, that's why Han Menglan thought you liked me, so she went to Huo Weiting and even seduced him to conceive her child!" Ying Bao thought that even so, so what?She is now an outsider.

Lan Feiang also seems to realize that he seems to have a little bit of responsibility: "If, if you let the master take responsibility, it's not impossible."

"How are you going to be responsible?" Give Huo Weiting back to her?Did she still accept it in her heart?Ying Bao's whole body resisted.

Lan Feiang pointed to himself: "I will compensate you, you will not suffer!"

The corner of Ying Bao's mouth twitched slightly, and he made a stop gesture: "Thanks, let's stop talking."

Lan Feiang didn't expect Ying Bao to refuse so simply, more or less, his self-esteem was still hit a bit, compared to Huo Weiting, he is not bad!
Ying Bao didn't care about Lan Feiang drawing circles in the corner at all, and thought of Han Menglan's words. She kept saying bad things about Jiu Bao and provoked herself. Could it be because of herself that she wanted to hurt the people around her?

Ying Bao inserted his finger into his pocket at random, but he touched something hard, like a USB flash drive.

Ying Bao frowned and inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, opened the USB flash drive and found a recording inside.

Ying Bao clicked to open it and heard the recording inside.

"What are you looking for from me?"

"Jiujiu, I'm here to thank you. If it weren't for you, how could I have the opportunity to get close to Huo Weiting, let alone be with him."

"No, I just didn't expect Huo Weiting to be so irresistible to the temptation. It's right that Ying Bao didn't stay with him."

"Oh, to hear you say that, it's me who suffers?"

"Have you suffered a loss? Your goal has not been achieved, we are a win-win situation."

"Hahaha, if Bai Jiujiu was found out by Lin Liying that her best friend betrayed her, what do you think she would think?"

"As long as you don't tell, she won't know."

The recording ends here.

Unbelievably, Ying Bao played back Jiu Bao's voice several times. The meaning of the voice inside was that Bai Jiujiu and Han Menglan set up a trick to trick Huo Weiting?
Lan Feiang frowned when he heard the recording. It was indeed Bai Jiujiu's voice, but it shouldn't be, she is not this kind of person.

"Yingbao, where did this recording come from? There must be something wrong."

Lan Feiang wanted to reach out and take the recording to verify the authenticity of it, but was stopped by Ying Bao.

"No need." Ying Bao glanced at Lan Feiang: "I can judge whether it is true or not."

Lan Feiang noticed that something was wrong with Ying Bao's mood: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm more sober and calm than ever." Ying Bao clenched the USB flash drive in his hand and muttered to himself, "I'm more sober and calm than ever."

Then time seemed to stop for two seconds, Ying Bao suddenly stood up and walked directly to the door.

"Wait, wait, where are you going?" Lan Feiang stopped her, it was so late.

"I'm going to find Han Menglan."

"Why are you looking for her?"

Ying Bao glanced at Lan Feiang and sneered, "Is it related to you?"

Lan Feiang scratched his hair, it really had nothing to do with him, but he couldn't let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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