kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 895 Let You 1 Have Nothing

Chapter 895 Make You Nothing

Ying Bao ignored Lan Feiang's hesitation and went directly to Han Menglan. Since she wanted her to go there, she would do so.

Lan Feiang can only sigh, forgetting that the matter is more or less related to him, in short, secretly keep her safe behind her.

After all, she is Bai Jiujiu's best friend, and he really doesn't want to see Yingbao get hurt.


24 hours unmanned cafe.

Han Menglan didn't expect Yu Wei's plan to go so smoothly. Looking at Lin Liying sitting across from her, she took a sip of her coffee and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to come to me so soon. I thought you would think about it for a few days."

Ying Bao held the USB flash drive between two fingers and threw it directly in front of Han Menglan: "You secretly put this in my pocket, didn't you just want me to come to you? What is your purpose?"

Han Menglan couldn't hear Ying Bao's emotions, so she asked tentatively: "She doesn't trust you so much, it's no good for you to be by her side, I know you and Bai Jiujiu were friends before, but with her current status, is she right? If you climb her high, sooner or later the distance between you will become farther and farther, don't you think about leaving her with nothing?"

Ying Bao stared at Han Menglan: "This is your purpose? Why should I help you? Even if what you said is true, at least we are still friends on the surface. Letting her have nothing will do me no good at all."

Han Menglan smiled and said: "If you help me deal with Bai Jiujiu, I will let you and Huo Weiting be together."

"What did you say?!" Ying Bao's mood was no longer stable.

"I said, don't you like Huo Weiting? If you help me deal with Bai Jiujiu, I will help you, how about it?" Han Menglan seemed to be smiling, but there was a calculation hidden in that smile.

Ying Bao looked down: "Is your pregnancy real or fake?"

Han Menglan stroked her stomach, "Is it true or not, does it matter? As long as you help me deal with Bai Jiujiu, Huo Weiting will be yours."

Ying Bao was silent for a few seconds, then said, "Okay, tell me about your plan."

Han Menglan showed a triumphant smile, lowered her head and whispered a few words in Ying Bao's ear.

After finishing speaking, Ying Bao got up, "Don't forget what you promised me." Turned around and left.

Han Menglan looked at Ying Bao's leaving back, drinking coffee gracefully, but she didn't expect a person to come in directly.

As soon as Han Menglan looked up, she saw a handsome face.

"Brother Fei Ang, why are you here?"

"What did you tell Yingbao?"

Han Menglan didn't expect Lan Feiang to question her as soon as she came in.

"We're just reminiscing about the past."

Lan Feiang obviously didn't believe it: "Lan Lan, no matter what you do, you must not hurt Ying Bao and Jiu Jiu, otherwise I will not let you go."

Han Menglan watched Lan Feiang drop this warning and leave, her eyes gradually began to moisten. She didn't understand why she grew up with him, but she couldn't compare to those two people who had only known each other for a few years. He was the best to her before, why did he still alienate her when he grew up.

"Since I can't get it, no one else can get it either." A tear fell down Han Menglan's mouth, bitter.

Yu Wei walked in front of Han Menglan from the last seat, and hugged Han Menglan distressedly: "I don't quite trust that Lin Liying."

"It doesn't matter, no matter whether she agrees or not, she will be involved whether she does it or not. No matter what the result is, it's enough for her to take the blame."

Hearing this, Yu Wei was a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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