kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 902: One Stone, Three Birds

Chapter 902

Brother Si Chen has no reason to suspect her, and Ying Bao is an accomplice, even if it is found out, she is the only one who did it, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

The calculations in Han Menglan's heart were crackling, and Bai Jiujiu's eyes fell on the smile at the corner of her mouth, overflowing with a sneer.

During the filming of the fighting, Han Menglan deliberately lured Bai Jiujiu into the dug trap.

The trap is dug in advance, and the bottom is fixed with nets and bamboo, which is two meters deep. Once a person steps in, the thin bamboo cannot bear the weight of the person. If it breaks, the person is trapped in the net and cannot move. It is easy to suffocate being buried in the sand. Of course, even if you are rescued quickly, the process is extremely painful.

The director thought that the two people were a little bit off from the place, but seeing that the two of them had a tacit understanding, it was quite enjoyable to watch, so he didn't stop for a while.

It seems that Bai Jiujiu is retreating steadily, but if you observe carefully, it is actually Bai Jiujiu hiding his clumsiness and letting Han Menglan back.

Seeing the sign, Han Menglan thought to herself that it was here, as long as she dragged Bai Jiujiu to step on that place, she would fall straight down.

And Bai Jiujiu seemed to know what Han Menglan was thinking in his heart, but he just didn't fit in, and deliberately stepped on it, as if he was teasing her.

"Can't you take a step back to the left!" Han Menglan gritted her teeth.

Bai Jiujiu took a step, and immediately retracted before landing. The gentleman smiled and said, "Of can't!"

It was only then that Han Menglan realized that she had been fooled, and the other party kept teasing her. It seemed that Bai Jiujiu knew that Ying Bao was playing tricks on her!


"Go to hell!" Han Menglan directly wanted to push Bai Jiujiu down!

"Jijiu be careful!" Ying Bao wanted to grab Bai Jiujiu's hand, but Bai Jiujiu was so agile, he just dodged and pushed Han Menglan backhanded.

Before Han Menglan fell, she grabbed Ying Bao who was rushing towards her, and if she fell, she would drag someone to be buried with her!

Bai Jiujiu reacted quickly and immediately grabbed Ying Bao's hand, but what he didn't expect was that all three of them fell into the sand flow at the same time and fell straight down!
When everyone reacted, the three of them seemed to disappear, swallowed by quicksand without a trace.

No matter how fast Ai Yehe reacted, he only caught the broken piece of clothing, and only two words came out of his mind, "Oops!"
How to explain to big brother now!
At the same time, Lu Sichen was flying towards the location of Bai Jiujiu's crew. He managed to deal with everything, soothed Lu's mother, and took some time. He felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time. Little guy, weird idea.

Lu Sichen rubbed his fingers lightly, recalling the feeling of stroking her head, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised slightly.

Wait for me for a long time, here I come.

When Lu Sichen arrived, the crew was in disarray. It felt like they had dug too deep but no corpses were found. Especially when the moon was dark, manual digging was impossible, so they had to call the police.

Ai Yehe saw Lu Sichen, and immediately told Lu Sichen everything that happened before. He didn't expect that this woman would be so careless when she fought.

When Lu Sichen heard that Bai Jiujiu had fallen into the desert, his expression was gloomy and terrible, and he said coldly: "Dig, even if you dig out the sand, you must find her!"

Hollow out the sand?
Everyone was surprised to hear this arrogant tone, such a large desert will not be hollowed out for years, this is simply a joke.

And it has been buried below for so long, even if it is dug out, it will definitely not survive.

(End of this chapter)

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