kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 903 No matter what price you pay

Chapter 903 No matter what price you pay

Everyone thought so in their hearts and made preparations for the three of them.

Only Ai Yehe knew that when Lu Sichen said to dig, he had to do it.

Lu Sichen thought of the locator on Bai Jiujiu's ring, and immediately turned on the phone, only to find that the locator was moving, which meant that Bai Jiujiu was still alive!

And seeing that the location was not far from him, Lu Sichen immediately walked towards the coordinates, only to find that the surrounding area was surrounded by endless fine sand, that is to say, Bai Jiujiu was at his feet?

in the sand?

Lu Sichen narrowed his dark eyes, he had to find the entrance, no matter what the price was!

Bai Jiujiu felt that the bones in his body were falling apart, and the pain was unbearable.

Supporting his body with his hands, he wanted to look around, only to find that it was very dark, and he could only see very vague shadows.

What is this place?where am I?
Bai Jiujiu was in a daze before remembering that he was filming just now but he did not expect to fall, and it was not only her but also Ying Bao and Han Menglan who fell.

"Yingbao?" Bai Jiujiu called out tentatively, "Yingbao, are you there?"

"Yes, for a long time, it hurts, my leg hurts!"

Bai Jiujiu heard the location of the voice, which was on her left side.

"Don't move, I'm coming to find you!"

Bai Jiujiu took off his backpack, which was carried during the filming, and there were tools for tomb robbers in the bag.

Bai Jiujiu found a small flashlight in his bag and turned it on directly. It seemed to be small in size, but the intensity of the light was not bad.

She was a little thankful that the props in the bag were real.

Bai Jiujiu pointed the light of the flashlight at Yingbao's position, only to find that Yingbao's leg was injured, and the ankle was very red and swollen.

Bai Jiujiu kneaded gently, and Ying Bao's foot seemed to be twisted until it swelled up, nothing serious.

Bai Jiujiu applied red potion on Ying Bao, and helped her up again, "Try walking."

Ying Bao didn't dare to use force on his injured foot, so he could only rely on Bai Jiujiu's support to walk bumpily.

Bai Jiujiu handed the flashlight to Ying Bao, and said, "Han Menglan seems to have fallen off with us, I don't know where she is."

Ying Bao said: "...whatever she does." Thinking of Han Menglan threatening her before, Ying Bao moved the position of the flashlight unhappily, just in time to catch Han Menglan squatting on it with a frightened expression on his face.

When Han Menglan saw someone, she rushed over immediately.

"Wow!" Han Menglan cried in fright: "Hey, what is this place? It's so dark and scary! Where are we!"

Ying Bao was extremely disgusted and pushed Han Menglan away: "Stay away from us, now I know I'm afraid, why did you go earlier?"

When Han Menglan heard Ying Bao's sarcastic words, she was filled with grievances: "It's obvious that you two conspired to trick me!"

"That's because you are stupid, how could I harm Jiubao!"

"You, you bully me! Woooooooooo!"

In this closed and narrow space, Bai Jiujiu felt a headache when he heard the voices of the two arguing like children, "Enough! Shut up! Hurry up and find a way to get out together!"

The two immediately shut up obediently, not daring to speak again.

After all, the two felt that Bai Jiujiu seemed more reliable in this environment.

A rustling sound came from the silent and dark space, making everyone's scalps tingle.

Ying Bao was the first to ask, "Do you make any strange noises?"

"Listen, listen, I heard." Han Menglan nodded in agreement, and couldn't help leaning closer to Bai Jiujiu: "It seems that the sound is getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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